Publication - Briefings |

Analytical work: The CAP’s Green Architecture – designing green strategies

An analysis of different approaches in selected EU Member States.

  • 2023-2027
Polder landscape In the Netherlands

This report provides an overview of the different approaches taken in eight EU Member States (Austria, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Romania, and Spain) to designing green strategies using the CAP’s Green Architecture. The eight Member States (MS) represent a sample of the EU's diverse situations regarding farm production systems, farm structure, and environmental and climate issues. 

The report examines the way in which the six interventions that make up the Green Architecture have been used to address the environmental and climate needs identified in each of the eight Member States examined.  Where relevant, their interaction with the conditionality requirements is also covered. It summarises the different programming choices made by Member States in developing their green strategies, based on the data available.  

The report also highlights the different choices made in relation to how the Green Architecture interventions have been used to address the needs identified and the targets set for relevant result indicators. However, it was not within the scope of this report to look further in depth at the rationale and reasons for the decisions taken, or to make any judgement on the quality of the strategies adopted. The contents of this working document do not necessarily reflect the opinion or the position of the European Commission.


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Analytical work – The CAP’s Green Architecture – designing green strategies

(PDF – 2.37 MB – 42 pages)