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FOREST4EU Thematic Network broadens outreach of Operational Group results

FOREST4U is a Horizon Thematic Network promoting Operational Groups dedicated to forestry and agroforestry.

Demonstrating innovations for forestry

Horizon Europe has launched several EU-wide thematic networks that share best practices from EIP-AGRI Operational Groups (OG) across borders, for a wider uptake of innovative results. “Numerous innovations have been developed by Operational Groups which hold the potential to benefit the forestry and agroforestry sectors. However, the results remain mainly localised, due, for example, to a lack of sufficient tools for information transfer,” explains Francesca Giannetti from the Horizon Europe project FOREST4EU, which has been initiated to ensure that innovative outcomes from Operational Groups in forestry and agroforestry are shared beyond national borders.

FOREST4EU is a thematic network on forestry and agroforestry that focuses particularly on increasing the uptake of EIP-AGRI OG results throughout Europe. In order to achieve this goal, FOREST4EU, which was launched in January 2023, has established interregional innovation topic hubs. The 'ITHubs' collect, share and disseminate existing knowledge generated by OGs which can be applied in similar environmental and territorial contexts elsewhere, or support further innovations. They also produce practice abstracts and develop capacity building materials according to identified regional needs. Each innovation hub deals with one key area within the forestry sector: wood mobilisation, climate change adaptation, sustainable forest management, non-wood forest products and agroforestry. FOREST4EU also collaborates with policymakers and local level innovation to stimulate new initiatives in regions with lower numbers of OGs. FOREST4EU thereby hopes to promote a more balanced geographic spread of innovation in the forestry sector in the EU. Find out more in the full press article.

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FOREST4EU Thematic network broadens outreach of Operational Group results

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English language

FOREST4EU Thematic network broadens outreach of Operational Group results

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