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ARIA 2023 - Projects Brochure

This Projects Brochure showcases the finalists and winners of the Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards (ARIA) 2023, the competition that celebrated inspiring and forward-looking projects that are building the future of rural Europe.

  • 2014-2022
ARIA 2023 EU CAP Network Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards

The Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards (ARIA) 2023 celebrated CAP-funded projects that are boosting skills for agriculture and rural areas, supporting lifelong learning and fostering innovation and competitiveness. Expanding on the successes of the previous ENRD’s Rural Inspiration Awards, this first competition organised by the EU CAP network was open to projects supported by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) as well as the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF).

National Networks and National Support Units had the difficult but essential task of selecting and submitting up to eight good practice projects from their respective Member States. They did this with enthusiasm and fair play, topped with the right amount of combative spirit: you can see all this from the pictures and videos from the ARIA Awards Ceremony, held in Brussels on 4 December 2023.

Overall, 92 projects were submitted from 20 Member States under four thematic categories: Smart & competitive agriculture, Environmental protection, Socio-economic fabric of rural areas, and Rural stakeholder skills.

This Brochure showcases the 24 ARIA finalists and highlights the winner of each category and of the Popular Vote, which this year marked a new record with 13 481 votes cast in one month.

And if you missed the stunning ARIA ceremony, check the ARIA page to watch the recording of the event and live its emotions again!


EU CAP Network



English language

Projects Brochure - ARIA 2023

(PDF – 8.72 MB – 28 pages)