Meet stakeholders in the #Bloomtogether video series
The network is ripe with excellent sources of knowledge from across the EU. There are farmers, policy makers, experts in CAP implementation, and many more stakeholders. Meet some of them with the #Bloomtogether video series.
Watch the #Bloomtogether video series
Go to YouTubeMeet Pedro Serrano
Since March 2022, Pedro has been involved with the European Evaluation Helpdesk as a geographic expert for Portugal. He is an agronomy engineer specialising in economic and agricultural policy and acts as an advisor for AGRO.GES, one of Portugal’s leading agricultural consultancies.
Through the network, Pedro has made valuable connections with evaluators from across the EU and has since worked with them to benefit Portugal’s agricultural and rural development. Watch the video to learn more.
Meet Donal Sheehan
Donal Sheehan is an Irish dairy farmer who has first-hand knowledge of innovation and knowledge exchange within the EU CAP Network. He is involved with the EIP-AGRI operational group Biodiversity Regeneration in a Dairying Environment (BRIDE) and the Farming with Nature project.
Donal says his involvement is centered on producing food and delivering environmental benefits. His hope is that farmers can be at the forefront of economic, agricultural and sustainability policymaking. Watch the video and discover his story.
Meet Gabriela Michail
Gabriela is the former Head of the Networking and Publicity Unit at Greece’s Managing Authority for the country’s CAP Strategic Plan. She expects the network to facilitate cooperation between farmers and other stakeholders.
Gabriela says that the seminars, workshops and meetings between network’s stakeholders helped her improve her work and her role in Greece’s participation in developing the Long-term Vision for Rural Areas. Hear more of Gabriela’s story by watching this video.
Hear from experts with the #Bloomcast
EU CAP Network experts share their expertise in the #Bloomcast, a broadcast of conversations among EU CAP Network stakeholders.
Guests on the #Bloomcast talked about their specific experiences and knowledge of soil healt, short food supply chains, and CAP evaluation. They include business owners, group leaders, experts from European Commission’s Directorate-General of Agriculture and Rural Development, and more.
Watch the #Bloomcast video series
Go to YouTubeEpisode 1: Short food supply chains
Short food supply chains are chains where the consumer knows who has produced the food he or she is buying. The importance of these supply chains is the focus of the first episode of the Bloomcast series.
Join the EU CAP Network's host, Julian Hale, in a round of interviews with Fabian Santini, Deputy Head of Unit in DG AGRI, and Mareike Schalk, co-founder of HofladenBOX, to learn more about this topic.
Episode 2: Soil health
In the second episode of the Bloomcast, we discuss about soil health with Gaëlle Marion, Head of Unit in DG AGRI, and Katrin Noorkõiv, owner of Lihuniku Äri and EIP-AGRI Permanent Grassland Focus Group Expert.
Watch it to discover some of the main benefits of healthy soils, which are at the basis of better and more diverse food, increased carbon storage and the protection of biodiversity.
Episode 3: CAP monitoring
The third episode of the Bloomcast focuses on CAP monitoring and evaluation. Join the EU CAP Network's host, Julian Hale, in a round of interviews with three of our stakeholders.
We will be discussing with Janusz Wojciechowski, European Commissioner for Agriculture, Stephanie Vella from the EU CAP Networks Evaluation Helpdesk, and Sophie Helaine, head of unit for policy performance in DG AGRI, to learn more about this topic.
Follow along and Bloom with the EU CAP Network
Collaboration and knowledge sharing is what the EU CAP Network is all about, so follow along and make the network #Bloomtogether!
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