News | 21 Feb 2023

New thematic networking groups to be launched

New thematic groups focussing on the implementation of CAP strategic plans, forestry and rural youth will be launched in the coming weeks through the EU CAP Network.

Optimising information flows about agriculture and rural policy within the EU is what the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Network is all about. This involves developing and sharing knowledge on different themes related to the CAP through peer-to-peer exchanges. And that is why new thematic groups - focussing on the implementation of CAP strategic plans (CSPs), forestry and rural youth - will be launched in the coming weeks through the EU CAP Network.

New thematic networking groups to be launched

We use three separate thematic methodologies for this:

  • The Support Facility for Innovation and Knowledge Exchange, including EIP-AGRI, arranges focus groups (FGs) to prioritise innovative actions and suggest potential practical operational groups or other project formats to test solutions and opportunities.
  • In addition, the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP organises thematic working groups (TWGs) to find practical solutions to specific issues related to CAP evaluation.
  • Lastly, the CAP Implementation Contact Point supports thematic groups (TGs), which bring together interested experts and practitioners to exchange ideas, knowledge and thinking on priority topics related to the CAP's general and specific objectives.

Three new TGs that will be launched in the coming weeks cover the following themes:

These new TGs complement TWGs on an Animal Welfare Indicator and Evaluation of AKIS as well as FGs on Recovery of abandoned agricultural lands, Enhancing the biodiversity on farmland through high-diversity landscape features plus Social farming and innovations.