Focus Group 'Social farming and innovations'

How can social farming contribute to innovation in agriculture while strengthening the multi-functional role of agriculture and connecting people from urban and rural areas?

Final report Factsheet


Goat being fed
  • Collect and highlight good practices and inspiring success stories in social farming, which have been set up on farms.
  • Identify challenges and opportunities to develop social farming models, including business models, and ways to strengthen the links between agriculture and social/health care sectors, education and employment sectors and between urban and rural people.
  • Explore how social farming could bring innovation into farms and how it could benefit users and the surrounding communities.
  • Identify the factors and needs to support social farming and how to build or strengthen the innovation through social farming activities.
  • Propose potential innovative actions and ideas for Operational Groups and other innovative projects.
  • Identify research needs coming from practice and possible gaps in knowledge.


Focus Group members

Surname First name Profession Country
Albers Jelle Other Netherlands
Brito Olga Farmer Portugal
Dejonckheere Nele Adviser Belgium
Dreer Johannes Adviser Germany
Dziasek Elżbieta Civil servant Poland
Elings Marjolein Researcher Netherlands
Galasso Angela Adviser Italy
Hubaux Samuel Working at an NGO Belgium
Hudcová Eliška Researcher Czech Republic
Moudrý Jan Researcher Czech Republic
O'Dowd Colm Farmer Ireland
Pálsdóttir AnnaMaría Researcher Sweden
Partalidou Maria Researcher Greece
Signoriello Ilaria Other Italy
Smyth Brian Working at an NGO Ireland
Thiery Damien Farmer Romania
Torquati Biancamaria Researcher Italy
van Elsen Thomas Researcher Germany
Yrjas Christer Adviser Sweden


Facilitation team

Moroney Aisling Coordinating Expert Ireland 
Lombardo Stefania Task-Manager Italy
Verwimp Bavo Task-Manager Belgium
Guimarey Fernández Beatriz Co-task Manager Spain



English language

Starting Paper - Focus Group 'Social farming and innovations'

(PDF – 351 KB)

English language

Mini Paper 1: Social farming for society: expanding the target groups by recognising and marketing the distinctive value of the farm environment

(PDF – 507.43 KB)

English language

Mini Paper 2: The role of social farming in bridging the gap between agriculture and society

(PDF – 649.48 KB)

English language

Mini Paper 3: Measuring impacts of social farming at the farm, on farmers and local community

(PDF – 687.67 KB)

English language

Mini Paper 4: Quality assurance in social farming

(PDF – 335.78 KB)

English language

Mini Paper 5: Ecological inclusion and social farming

(PDF – 1.34 MB)

English language

Mini Paper 6: Brokerage and advisory support

(PDF – 244.91 KB)

English language

Mini Paper 7: The role of LAGs (CLLD/LEADER) in triggering the implementation of social farming

(PDF – 364.45 KB)

English language

Projects booklet: Focus Group 'Social farming and innovations'

(PDF – 2.83 MB)