Publication - Brochures |

Social innovation – Solutions for thriving agriculture, forestry and rural areas

This brochure on social innovation highlights how innovation, knowledge exchange and new ways of working together can tackle social challenges, covering social inclusion on the farm, better health and well-being, and resilient rural communities.

EU CAP Network Brochure: Social Innovation
Cover Brochure Social Innovation EU CAP Network

In addition to its goals for environmental and economic sustainability, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for 2023-2027 gives particular support for innovative solutions that help address social challenges, stimulating social inclusion and local development in agriculture, forestry and rural areas.

Social innovations are new ideas that meet social needs, create social relationships and form new collaborations. They can be products, services or models that address unmet needs more effectively. Social innovation improves societal well-being and has more impact when it is co-designed by communities, by people from both private and public sectors, including agriculture, forestry and rural areas as well as the employment, education, and advisory sectors.

The EU CAP Network brochure on social innovation highlights innovative projects that tackle social challenges through innovation, knowledge exchange and new ways of working together. The publication specifically illustrates solutions for social inclusion on the farm, better health and well-being, and revitalised and resilient rural communities. 


Support Facility for Innovation and Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI 



English language

EU CAP Network Brochure: Social Innovation

(PDF – 44.8 MB – 16 pages)