Much to digest from the 4th agri-food Forum
Many EU CAP Network activities are bringing agri-food chain stakeholders together, creating opportunities for dialogue and better use of CAP tools to improve the way we produce and consume food.

The 4th edition of the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-food Supply Chain took place in Brussels in October 2024. This series of events was launched in 2021 by the European Commission and has been organised by the EU CAP Network since its inception, providing a unique platform for debate among all the stakeholders across the EU agri-food value chain.
The Forum supports the transition to a sustainable food system by enabling the exchange of best practices between primary producers and other actors in the supply chain, with a view to increasing cooperation, improving the position of farmers in the value chain, and increasing market transparency. Each edition of the Forum has featured insightful presentations from key experts as well as healthy, robust debates and discussions centred on various key issues flowing from regulation, policy and practice.
The latest Forum highlighted the complex position of farmers in the food supply chain and the need to improve the functioning of the value chain. The discussion between participants also stressed the emotional aspects of food production and consumption, as well as the importance of transparency and cooperation to help improve the economic and social aspects of food production (and consumption).
EU CAP Network actions for agri-food chains
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) offers a variety of opportunities to improve the way food is produced, consumed and valued in the EU and abroad.
Several articles available on the EU CAP Network website offer useful insights into the various ways in which the CAP and other policies improve the way food is produced and consumed. Articles have focused on areas such as sectoral interventions in the fruit and vegetable sectors, and the importance of cooperation between food chain actors. Preventing food waste is another important aspect – related to both the production and the consumption side of the agri-food chain – and a key element to support sustainable food systems. Food and drink producers may ask for their product's name to be protected under the EU system of quality schemes, while food labelling can help consumers make informed choices about the food and drink that they buy.
Good practices funded through the CAP – including all the finalists and winners of this year’s Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards (ARIA) – illustrate how the policy works in practice, and offer inspiration for further action to strengthen all the actors of the agri-food chain. They also show the importance of strengthening networks, strengthening connections, and delivering outcomes that make a difference, at all stages in the value chain.
Through its work programme, the EU CAP Network continues to offer a host of fantastic opportunities for stakeholders from across the agri-rural arena to meet, and share their insights and experiences in considering how best to improve policy implementation and put it into practice on the ground.
Important work by Thematic Group (TG) members on generational renewal in farming has analysed the necessary conditions to help young farmers set up and thrive. Two new EU CAP Network TGs are taking a close look at the economic vulnerability of farming and the broader societal value produced by farmers. Look out for the first outcomes in the February edition of the EU CAP Network newsletter.
Looking ahead
The European Commission is working on a new Vision for agriculture and food, to be presented within the first 100 days of the mandate of the new Commissioner for Agriculture and Food, Christophe Hansen, in consultation with agri-food stakeholders. In parallel, the EU CAP Network continues to work with CAP stakeholders to strengthen the role of the producer in agri-food chains, and will share updates about the Vision and its implications for all CAP stakeholders, contributing to an ongoing, mutually enriching dialogue between the EU and the national and local policy level.
Stay tuned for updates through our website, newsletter and social media, where @eucapnetwork will share updates on #EconomicVulnerability #FarmRiskManagement and #ValuingFarmers