Animal husbandry

93 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Organic barn for laying hens - Oberger

An Austrian family converted their dairy farm to produce organic eggs from laying hens in a barn after they saw an opportunity in the market.  

Good Practice - Project

Promoting land stewartship at Sønderup Stream Valley

A farmers association provided support on planning and facilitation of land stewardship, with particular focus on grazing in Sønderup river valley.

Good Practice - Project

Preserving peatland and wet meadows in Auvergne

Farmers in France’s Auvergne region used EAFRD support to preserve peatland and wet meadows in two Natura 2000 areas where over a hundred farmers raise cattle.

Good Practice - Project

Modernising dairy production on the Slovakian cooperative Paňovce

The Slovakian agricultural cooperative  Panovce used EAFRD support to upgrade its dairy facilities and equipment, raising welfare standards and improving production.

Good Practice - Project

Acquisition of equipment for veterinary laboratory

A young and dynamic team of veterinary sector experts received EAFRD support to establish a private laboratory offering high quality veterinary services to farmers.

Good Practice - Project

Environment and Economics

Investments in renewable energy helped a pig farm to maintain and increase its competitiveness.

Good Practice - Project

Farm Enterprise Competition

Welsh rural development competition inspires innovation among young sheep farmers.

Good Practice - Project

Modernisation of the Hajšek dairy farm

EAFRD investment support was used for the construction of the new cowshed for dairy cows. This helped increase milk production along with improved animal wellfare.

Good Practice - Project

Integral Sustainable Compost Barns (IDV)

In response to the current societal demand for responsible business management and improved animal welfare, farmers in the Netherlands developed an innovative animal friendly barn. 

Good Practice - Project

Innovative business opportunities from donkey milk

The members of a cooperative in Tuscany, cooperated with a university to investigate the possibility to produce cheese, yogurt and possibly cosmetics from donkey milk.