Animal husbandry

93 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Exploring low carbon emission solutions in agriculture

Bringing together public authorities, research institutes and farmers to explore low carbon emission production models in agriculture.

Good Practice - Project

Hallegaard Slaughterhouse

A slaughterhouse was established on the island of Bornholm to offer slaughtering facilities in small husbandry farms or larger herds of sheep or cattle.

Good Practice - Project

Renovating a dairy cowshed in Estonia

A project set out to renovate and expand an old dairy farm by using new technological solutions.

Good Practice - Project

Andalusian Shepherds School - Spain

The Andalusian Shepherds School is a training project looking to increase generational relay in rural areas. The project involves traditional and innovative knowledge, together with environmental aspects linked to pastoral livestock.  

Good Practice - Project

Digitisation of Reindeer Husbandry

A study financed by the Finnish RDP aimed to find new digital solutions for making reindeer husbandry a more efficient and profitable business.

Good Practice - Project

Modernisation of a pig farm in Croatia

Investing in new machinery and equipment to allow increase the productivity of a pig farm.

Good Practice - Project

Creating a game farm and demonstration site

An entrepreneur developed an innovative farming model by turning an old farm into a demonstration site where visitors can see and learn about husbandry and endemic game species.

Good Practice - Project

Installation of biodiverse pastures in Portugal

An agricultural holding installed 42 ha of pastures which helped increase the farm’s livestock while increasing carbon sequestration and offering environmental services. 

Good Practice - Project

Water buffaloes preserving biodiversity and wetland landscape

A herd of water buffalo helps preserve biodiversity and wetland landscape in a Natura 2000 area in Berlin, Germany.

Good Practice - Project

Young cattle housing and reconstruction of the milk cooling and storage unit

EAFRD funding helped renovate a dairy farm boosting animal welfare and making farm work more efficient.