Animal husbandry

93 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Purchase of equipment to ensure biosecurity in a mountainous swine farm

EU food safety improved by CAP funding for young Romanian pig farmer.

Good Practice - Project

Start-up aid for young farmers – Farma pod Radhoštěm s.r.o.

Czech young farmer modernises her small farm’s production of artisan wool.

Good Practice - Project

High Welfare Floor (HWF) – Construction of an innovative barn for dairy cows in Slovenia

Realisation of an innovative farm investment project to improve animal welfare conditions in the barn and secure economic and environmental benefits.

Good Practice - Project

Ovinnova Operational Group - an innovative business model for transhumance

CAP funds help support long-term sustainability of transhumance shepherding in Spain.

Good Practice - Project

Investment in a new rabbit farm by a young farmer in Malta

Maltese young farmer receives CAP funds to help set-up rabbit breeding business.

Good Practice - Project

Red Cow breed

Genetic resources in animal husbandry: important actions for the local community and the environment to promote traditional, extensive livestock farming and the protection of biodiversity.

Good Practice - Project

“Lamb lift” Innovation to stimulate lamb production

An EIP-AGRI Operational Group established a new quality standard for Swedish lamb in order to increase the competitiveness of the sector.

Good Practice - Project

Vertical integration on a cuniculture farm in Malta

A cuniculture farm used CAP funds to set up a new energy efficient meat processing unit in order to add value to its final product and improve the farm’s position in the value chain.

Good Practice - Project

Quality cheese production in a remote mountain area

Communications campaign implemented by a producer group to increase the profile of a PDO certified cheese beyond its region of production. 

Good Practice - Project

Knowledge transfer DAW Alblasserwaard Vijfheerenlanden

A knowledge transfer project to raise dairy farmers’ awareness about reducing nutrient leaching and run-off in order to improve water quality.