Animal husbandry

93 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Construction of a new energy efficient broiler house

Rural Development Progamme investment support enabled a conventional broiler farmer to construct a new energy efficient broiler house.  

Good Practice - Project

Experiencing Gastronomy at Swan Hotel’s Cowshed

A new culinary concept for a restaurant which gives diners a clear view of the farm’s cattle barn helping them discover the linkages between food and farming. 

Good Practice - Project

Producing green energy from pig manure

Developing a new and practical system to manage pig manure more efficiently, as a means to significantly reduce NH3 emissions and produce green energy.

Good Practice - Project

PRATI_CO Parmigiano Reggiano: Agrotecnica organic carbon footprint

PRATI-CO is an EIP-AGRI Operational Group project dedicated to the study of good agricultural practices recommended for the preservation and maintenance of organic matter in the area which is famous for the production of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.  

Good Practice - Project

Latvian organic cattle farm invests in eco-friendly machinery

A family farm specialising in high quality beef cattle breeding used Rural Development Programme support to acquire new, cost-saving and more environmentally-friendly machinery.  

Good Practice - Project

Anu and Esa Immonen’s dairy farm in Savo region

Natural constraint payments play a key role in supporting farms to sustain their profitability and develop in areas that would otherwise be abandoned. 

Good Practice - Project

Animal welfare by the Ollikkala pig farm

A pig farm used Rural Development Programme (RDP) funding to improve the animals’ living conditions and the branding of their products.

Good Practice - Project

Bergers du Larzac - Improving cheese quality and production capacity

A cooperative focused on quality cheese production, used Rural Development Programme support to expand its facilities and thus ensure the continuous growth of its business.  

Good Practice - Project

Zacharias Symeou Sheep Farm

A family farm used investment support to set up a state-of-the-art sheep farm for the production of high-quality sheep milk.  

Good Practice - Project

Upgrading a sheep farm and opening of Farm Shop by a Maltese young farmer

A Maltese young farmer took over his father’s sheep farm in order to preserve local traditions, whilst incorporating new and innovative ideas in the production and marketing process.