General information
RDP Priority
- P2. Competitiveness
RDP Focus Area
- 2A: Farm’s performance, restructuring & modernisation
Slovakian dairy cooperative Paňovce wanted to upgrade its cow shed, which was in a very poor condition without adequate ventilation or insulation. Other facilities such as electrical and feeding equipment were also substandard. The poor conditions led to low animal welfare and an unsatisfactory work environment.
The Slovakian agricultural cooperative Paňovce used EAFRD support to rebuild its cow shed with modern technologies, more space for the dairy cows and better living conditions. An environmentally-friendly manure processor was also constructed.
The farm reduced its costs while raising the quality of its production.
Animal welfare and hygiene standards were improved including more space for the cattle, greater comfort during feeding and proper access to water.
Better ventilation has made the climate in the cow shed more comfortable in summer, ensuring higher milk yields.
The creation of a safe storage and processing space for manure limits harmful impacts on the environment.
As the project was very succesful, the owners decided to make a short movie about its realization – on their own cost. The film participated at the international film festival Agrofilm 2016 in October 2016 among 114 movies from 26 countries.

Polnohospodarske druzstvo Panovce
Total budget 486 073 (EUR)
EAFRD 181 152 (EUR)
National/region 60 384 (EUR)
Private 241 537 (EUR)
(PDF – 615.87 KB)
Stanislav Rakos