General information
Beneficiary type
- Public authority / body
CAP specific objective
- Climate change action
- Environmental care
- Preserving landscapes and biodiversity
Vojenské lesy a statky (VLS, Military Forests and Estates) is a state enterprise which manages 133 thousand ha of Czech forest and agricultural land. In 2023, VLS used CAP funds to establish agroforestry systems at two locations, undertaking a five-year commitment to manage the planted areas. As some of the land blocks are situated in Natura 2000 sites, the choice of which tree species to plant in each area was the result of careful consultation involving a landscape architect and nature conservation authorities. Main costs related to the planning and planting of new agroforestry areas.
Tree species were selected to help develop forest biodiversity, support existing local wildlife, and align with forest protection considerations. Fruit-bearing trees such as oaks, beeches, cherries, and apple trees were planted, as well as willows, all of which provide food and shelter for forest animals.
- In 2023, agroforestry systems were established across 43.65 ha of land.
- The planted areas will make a positive long-term impact on the welfare of grazing animals by providing them with shelter from adverse weather or sun.

Vojenské lesy a statky ČR, s.p.
Total budget 317 810 (EUR)
EAFRD: 63 703 (EUR)
National/Regional: 118 312 (EUR)
Private/own: 135 795 (EUR)
Good practice report : Establishing agroforestry systems on permanent grasslands in Czechia
(PDF – 2.52 MB)
Agroforestry systems (which integrate trees and shrubs into agricultural landscapes) can boost farm competitiveness and offer numerous ecological benefits that are particularly advantageous for Natura 2000 sites in Europe. Agroforestry can provide diverse habitat mosaics for various species to mitigate the effects of habitat fragmentation, facilitating wildlife movement and resilience. Agroforestry practices also contribute to soil health, water management, and carbon sequestration.
Vojenské lesy a statky (VLS, Military Forests and Estates) is a state enterprise which manages more than 7 000 ha of organic agricultural land, in addition to its 126 000 ha of forest land (covering approximately 5% of Czech forests). Most of this organic land is permanent grassland, and a large part of the permanent grassland sits within Natura 2000 zones. About 400 ha of VLS arable land is used for other crops.
In 2023, VLS selected land blocks in two locations that would be suitable for conversion to commercial agroforestry systems: the Libava military settlement, close to Olomouc in Moravia, and the area around the village of Mimon, in northern Bohemia.
The main reason for VLS embarking on agroforestry development was that it contributes to the overall goal of improving agricultural capacity on land under their management, such as by promoting better livestock welfare and diet. Key objectives of the project were to:
- Reinforce the agricultural land’s resilience.
- Increase opportunities for biodiversity.
- Improve the welfare of grazing animals.
- Contribute to mitigating the effects of greenhouse gas emissions.
Project activities involved:
- Co-designing project details with a landscape architect and in consultation with nature conservation authorities, as some of the land blocks are in Natura 2000 sites.
- Planting trees at a rate of 100 per hectare with trees taller than 120 cm, e.g. 4-year-old oak saplings.
- Carefully considering tree species composition per location. Some of the land blocks were in bird areas, so the tree composition also had to be reviewed by nature conservation authorities. In some areas, particular forest tree species were selected due to their potential to help develop biodiversity and support existing local wildlife. In other areas, tree species were selected according to forest protection considerations. Fruit-bearing trees such as oaks, beeches, cherries, and apple trees were planted, as well as willows, which all provide food and shelter for forest animals.
VLS intends to continue to extend this agroforestry method of farming to other areas, in accordance with its long-term strategy.
Main results
- Establishing and maintaining agroforestry systems in accordance with two interventions of the CAP Strategic Plan, namely ‘Establishment of an agroforestry system’ (INVEST (73-74) — Investments) and ‘Maintenance of an established agroforestry system’ (ENVCLIM (70) — Environmental, climate-related and other management commitments).
- In 2023, agroforestry systems were established across 43.65 ha of land, meaning that 4 365 new trees were planted.
- The new agroforestry systems will improve the landscape and make a positive impact on the welfare of grazing animals by providing them with shelter from adverse weather or sun.
Key lessons
- The establishment of agroforestry systems is part of the broader move by the national forest authority to lead by example in diversifying corporate farming, based on economic as well as environmental factors.
- All EU-funded projects need to be underpinned by very good project planning and design practices: the composition of the tree species and their distribution over the land blocks should be carefully planned in consultation with the relevant authorities and experts to ensure durability i.e. the newly established multifunctional agroforestry systems can fulfil all intended roles for the long-term future.
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