Event - Workshop

EU CAP Network workshop on LEADER and Multi-funded CLLD

This workshop took place in Slovenia on 18 and 19 October 2023.

  • - CEST
  • English
  • Slovenia
  • In-person
Visual of the LEADER workshop in Slovenia.

The LEADER approach has been implemented in rural areas across Europe for over 30 years and financed through the European Agriculture Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) since 2007. In the 2014-2020 programming period LEADER as ‘Community Led Local Development’ (CLLD) included the other European Structural and Investment (ESI) funds. 

For the 2023-2027 period this includes European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Social Fund+ (ESF+) and European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF). The four funds can be used individually to implement CLLD or combined as ‘multi-funds’ in order to add value and increase their impact.

The workshop provided the opportunity to exchange experiences and share practical solutions for the improvement of implementation of multi-funded CLLD and give an overview of multi-funding across the EU. The workshop also gathered ideas on how to best utilise multi-funded CLLD in the future programming period.

The aims of this workshop were to:

  • Explore different approaches to and experience of using a multi-funded approach to CLLD in the Member States;
  • Explore the main planning, design and implementing challenges which face multi-funding and identify and share practical solutions that work well at both programming and local level;
  • Highlight the specific objectives which positively suggest the use of multi-funding;
  • Understand how the uptake of multi-funded CLLD can be increased through the unlocking of dedicated funds, particularly through ERDF and ESF+; and
  • Identify next steps for facilitating the use of multi-funded CLLD, in the current and next programming period.

The workshop gathered LEADER and CLLD stakeholders from several Member States and across all four European Structural and Investment funds. It was of particular interest to Managing Authorities, Paying Agencies, National Networks and representatives of Local Action Groups.

The event also included 'travelling workshops' to visit multi-funded CLLD at local level. You can find more information about these projects and the LAGs visited in the resources section of this page.


English language

Workshop LEADER and multi-funded CLLD - Agenda

(PDF – 330.77 KB)

Additional info




CAP Implementation Contact Point

EU CAP Network



English language

Travelling Workshops - Factsheet

(PDF – 276.28 KB)


English language

Framing presentation - Multi-funded CLLD (Experiences 2014-20 and ​ state-of-play 2023-2027), Stefan-Kah

(PDF – 1020.2 KB)

English language

Jacques Sauvestre - Regional authority of Nouvelle Aquitaine

(PDF – 1.62 MB)

English language

Case study of Sweden - Tjitte de Vries, Swedish National Network

(PDF – 137.01 KB)

English language

Case study of Greece - Ioanna Triantafyllidou, Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food

(PDF – 823.74 KB)

English language

Case study of Austria - Michael Fischer, Austrian National Network

(PDF – 190.49 KB)

English language

Case study of Finland - Laura Janis, Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

(PDF – 90.4 KB)

English language

The Slovenian model of multi-funded CLLD for 2023-2027 - Alina Cunk and Marjeta Jeric, Slovenian Managing Authority

(PDF – 4.27 MB)

English language

Alina Ioana Baba - LAG​ Napoca Porolissum (Romania)

(PDF – 2.09 MB)

English language

Experience with Multi-funded CLLD in the Czech Republic - Jan Dražský Florian, Czech National LAG Network

(PDF – 1.16 MB)

English language

CLLD in Estonia - Vivia Aunapuu Lents, Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs

(PDF – 657.69 KB)

English language

CLLD in Bulgaria - Elena Hadjinikolova, Bulgarian Managing Authority

(PDF – 950.46 KB)

English language

Roxana Iacob - Integrated Territorial Instrument of the Danube Delta

(PDF – 2.04 MB)