Event - Conference

EAAE Congress Agri-food systems in a changing world: Connecting science and society

The Local Organising Committee and the Program Committee cordially invite you to the XVII Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) “Agri-food systems in a changing world: Connecting science and society”.

  • - CEST
  • English
  • Congress center Couvent des Jacobins - Rennes , France
  • In-person

Agri-food systems have an important role to play in a changing world. The consequences of climate change are increasingly tangible and our planetary boundaries increasingly at risk of being crossed. As scientists, we need to create and share insights on how to transform agri-food systems into sustainable and resilient systems that increase prosperity in Europe and across the globe. Connecting science and society implies that agricultural economists push the boundaries of science and research to create societal impact.

Congresses are triennial events that bring together the whole Association Membership, providing an important occasion for the exchange of innovative ideas on research and teaching in the field of Agricultural Economics and related ones. Moreover, it has been the traditional venue for establishing long-term research collaborations instrumental to succeeding in the most challenging research proposals and projects. Lastly, Congresses have become a time of fruitful dialogue between academia, policy makers, agribusiness and representatives of civil society.

The XVII EAAE Congress will be held in Rennes from August 29 to September 1, 2023. The SMART Unit of INRAE and Institut Agro is hosting the event. The Congress will be an opportunity for the participants to discover the city of Rennes, Breton agriculture, as well as Brittany and its coasts, a so beautiful part of France.


Additional info


Congress center Couvent des Jacobins

20 place Sainte-Anne, Rennes 35000 France


EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economist)