Event - Thematic Group meeting

1st meeting of the Thematic Group on Green Architecture: Designing Green Strategies

This was the 1st meeting of this Thematic Group (TG), which explored the approaches chosen by Member States to implement Green Architecture.

  • Organised by EU CAP Network
  • - CEST
  • English
  • Belgium
  • Online
a tree with pink flowers in a field of yellow flowers

The CAP’s ‘Green Architecture’ is the suite of rules and tools for improving the environmental and climate performance of farming, food production, land management and rural areas. It sets conditions for the receipt of certain payments (conditionality) and includes various interventions such as eco-schemes, agri-environment-climate schemes, compensation for area specific disadvantages, as well as green and non-productive investments, knowledge exchange and cooperation.

Member States are required to make eco-schemes and agri-environment-climate schemes available for farmers and land-managers, but otherwise have the freedom to choose which interventions they want to use and design them in a way that addresses their needs. As we move into the second year of implementation, this is an opportune moment to reflect on the state of play across the EU and examine how the different elements of the Green Architecture are supporting the efficient and effective realisation of environmental and climate targets.

In this first meeting, we focused on Member States' experiences in the design and implementation of ‘green strategies’ using the Green Architecture, how the different elements work together, any challenges that were faced and how these were overcome.

Aims of the first TG meeting:

  • Identify and share which elements of the green architecture were used and how well do they work together. This included discussions on positive experiences and challenges met (e.g. what to fund under which interventions).
  • Exchange experiences on the key factors that influenced how Member States designed the ‘green’ elements of their CSPs to address their environmental and climate needs.
  • Explore which different approaches are taken with the CSPs and how they interact with national funding possibilities.


English language

Agenda - Thematic Group on Green Architecture – Designing Green Strategies

(PDF – 462.36 KB)

Additional info


EU CAP Network

EU Stakeholders



English language

Background Paper - TG on Green Architecture: Designing Green Strategies

(PDF – 714.62 KB)

English language

List of Members - TG on Green Architecture: Designing Green Strategies

(PDF – 591.5 KB)


English language

Introduction - Lisa Haller, EU CAP Network

(PDF – 782.21 KB)

English language

Framing Presentation - Harriet Bradley

(PDF – 286.07 KB)

English language

Member States' approaches - Green Architecture in Austria, Miriam Augdoppler, Austrian Chamber for Agriculture

(PDF – 927.42 KB)

English language

Member States' approaches - Green architecture in the Swedish CAP plan, Åsa Wolgast Broberg, Ministry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure

(PDF – 2.63 MB)

English language

Member States' approaches - Green Architecture in the Portuguese CAP Strategic Plan, Ana Teresa Silva, Ministry of Agriculture and Food

(PDF – 1010 KB)

English language

Member States' approaches - French Green Architecture, Boris Rabu & Benoit Pongérard, French Ministry of Agriculture

(PDF – 722.79 KB)

English language

Next steps and wrap up - Lisa Haller, EU CAP Network

(PDF – 801.57 KB)

English language

Miroboard – Group 1

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English language

Miroboard – Group 2

(PDF – 4.91 MB)

English language

Miroboard- Group 3

(PDF – 4.91 MB)