Publication - Member State Evaluation |

Evaluation of CLLD tools in Basilicata

The report concerns the evaluation of the LEADER strategy (the community-led local development (CLLD) tool) of the Basilicata Region's 2024-2020 Rural Development Programme (RDP) and covers the implementation period of 2018-2022. 

  • Italy
  • 2014-2022
  • Cross-cutting impacts
Rivello, a village in the mountains of the Basilicata region, Italy

The evaluation, published in 2023, aims to analyse and evaluate the LEADER approach and the approach foreseen in the National Strategy for Internal Areas (NSIA). The EAFRD resources allocated to the NSIA correspond to 7% of the financial envelope of the structural measures of the RDP and are in addition to those allocated under Measure 19 of LEADER.

The evaluation questions relate to the impact on the territory's economic development, the participation of local actors, the capacity for collaboration and development of the community and the local context, the relationship between the leading strategy and the NSIA, and areas for improvement of the leading strategy.

The evaluation's methodological approach combines documentary analysis of plans, programmes and monitoring data related to the CLLD strategy (LEADER) with a field analysis focusing on four LAGs, carried out using a questionnaire.

The field analysis aimed to collect information in relation to:

  • the improvement of social and human capital, which guarantees the community greater resilience and capacity to adapt to change;
  • the improvement of local governance through involvement in the decision-making process of the community and stakeholders;
  • the enhancement of project results through the following factors: increased leverage, greater sustainability of projects, new project promoters and more innovative projects at local level;
  • the relationship between the NSIA strategy and the LEADER strategy.

The evaluation concludes, among other things, that the impact on economic development of the territories is largely positive, also considering that some LAGs have had a delayed start. In addition, jobs created contribute directly to the achievement of the target - 26 jobs have been created according to the information collected through a questionnaire.

The evaluation shows very positive results in terms of collaboration and community development. The leverage effect generated is particularly high in the innermost areas. This means that design and collaboration capacity generally work when they are close, especially in micro-contexts and small communities.

Concerning the integration between the LEADER strategy and the NSIA, the conclusion is that there is a positive integration between the two: according to the survey respondents, only 10% of the interventions implemented are judged to be overlapping, while all the others are considered complementary or integrated. According to the surveyed LAGs, more than 90% of the interventions are integrated and complementary.

Finally, the LAGs proposals for improvement related to the LEADER strategy collected show a will to simplify procedures by giving LAGs more flexibility and capacity to act on the field.



Italian language

Evaluation of CLLD tools in Basilicata

(PDF – 6.86 MB)