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EIP-AGRI Brochure on the EIP-AGRI Service Point - How can we help you?

The European Commission established the EIPAGRI
Service Point in April 2013 to connect people
and facilitate…

EIP-AGRI Brochure Service Point: English version

The European Commission established the EIPAGRI
Service Point in April 2013 to connect people
and facilitate innovation and knowledge-exchange
in agriculture. Here at the EIP-AGRI Service Point,
we act as a mediator within the EIP-AGRI network,
enhancing communication and cooperation between
all innovation actors: farmers, researchers, advisers,
businesses, environmental groups, consumer interest
groups and other NGOs.
We do so by providing a number of services to innovation
actors. This brochure will give you an overview of what
the Service Point has to offer and also how you can get
The dream? When a Romanian expert comes up with a
solution that could help a Spanish farmer, we want to
get this information to him as soon as possible.
Or when a Finnish adviser is looking for a solution to a
problem many farmers in her district are facing, she can
find the solution developed by an Estonian innovation
project on the EIP-AGRI website.

Brochure & Infographic translations courtesy of: the Rural Network Support Unit of Finland (Finnish); Brunella Morandi, Università di Bologna, Marcello Mastrorilli, CREA-SCA Bari, Paolo Mantovi, CRPA Reggio Emilia (Italian), Latvian Rural Network Unit (Latvian), The Agricultural Advisory Centre in Brwinów (Centrum Doradztwa Rolniczego w Brwinowie) (Polish).


EIP-AGRI Service Point



English language

EIP-AGRI Brochure Service Point: English version

(PDF – 2.48 MB)

Italian language

EIP-AGRI Brochure Service Point: Italian version

(PDF – 2.48 MB)

Polish language

EIP-AGRI Brochure Service Point: Polish version

(PDF – 2.24 MB)

English language

Infographic Service Point: English version

(PDF – 482.9 KB)

English language

Infographic Service Point: English version (png)

(PNG – 142.99 KB)

Finnish language

Infographic Service Point: Finnish version

(PDF – 493.96 KB)

Italian language

Infographic Service Point: Italian version

(PDF – 389.74 KB)

Italian language

Infographic Service Point: Italian version (jpg)

(JPG – 482.37 KB)

Latvian language

Infographic Service Point: Latvian version

(PDF – 382.28 KB)

Latvian language

Infographic Service Point: Latvian version (jpg)

(JPG – 2.14 MB)

Polish language

Infographic Service Point: Polish version

(PDF – 420.03 KB)

Polish language

Infographic Service Point: Polish version (jpg)

(JPG – 907.27 KB)