knowledge exchange

32 result(s)
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EIP-AGRI Brochure Organic farming: Innovative approaches to support conversion

Organic agriculture enables farmers to produce high-quality food with a low environmental impact. By reducing the use…

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EIP-AGRI Factsheet on Forest Innovation

All the information from the EIP-AGRI seminar on Forest Innovation at a glance.

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EIP-AGRI Broschüre Landwirtschaftliche Wissens- und Innovationssysteme: Förderung von Innovation und Wissensfluss in Europa

Diese Broschüre enthält weitere Informationen über landwirtschaftliche Wissens- und Innovationssysteme (AKIS).

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EIP-AGRI Seminar 'CAP Strategic Plans: the key role of AKIS in Member States'

Fostering and sharing knowledge and innovation forms part of the post-2020 CAP cross-cutting objective on modernisation…

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EIP-AGRI: 7 years of innovation in agriculture and forestry

Since 2013, the EIP-AGRI has been promoting interactive innovation to make EU agriculture and forestry more sustainable…

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Operational Groups and innovative projects represented at the Seminar 'EIP-AGRI: From OG project to impact'

This booklet was created for the Seminar 'EIP-AGRI: From Operational Group project to impact. Building the innovation…

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EIP-AGRI Workshop Enabling farmers for the digital age: Final report

On 26-27 April 2018 the European Commission’s DG Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) organised the EIP-AGRI…

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EIP-AGRI Seminar 'Moving EIP-AGRI implementation forward': Final report

On Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 May 2017, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural…

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EIP-AGRI Communication survey 2018

At the end of 2017, the EIP-AGRI Service Point launched a communication survey to assess the EIP-AGRI communication…

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EIP-AGRI Brochure Operational Groups - Collaborate to innovate

EIP-AGRI Operational Groups are innovative projects that aim to find practical solutions to problems or opportunities…