National Networks' first meeting
- CAP Implementation
- CAP Strategic Plans
- Evaluation
- Long-term Vision for Rural Areas
- Monitoring
- Networking
- Rural Development
Our 1st National Networks' Meeting, which was a success in bringing together the National Rural Networks and National CAP Networks, took place in Omiš, Croatia, on 22 and 23 March 2023.

Organised jointly by the EU CAP Network's CAP Implementation Contact Point (CAPI CP) and Croatia's National Network, this in-person networking event achieved a range of useful results for the 71 participants from 24 EU Member States.
This kick-off meeting for the new National Networks (NNs) focused on the seven CAP National Networks’ objectives as defined by Article 126 of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115. These were discussed in the context of the findings of the Network mapping exercise and used to help identify possible thematic clusters. Inputs were provided by the NNs as well as the European Commission and the EU CAP Network’s support teams covering CAP implementation, innovation, evaluation and communication. In addition to a series of interactive sessions and informative presentations, the NN meeting included a field visit to see CAP Pillar II (or RDP (Rural Development Programme) funding in action in Croatia.
Key outcomes included the NNs agreeing to establish and lead a series of thematic clusters covering: Communication (to involve Pillar 1 stakeholders and disseminate CSP progress); AKIS (Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems) and innovation; LTVRA (Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas), Rural Pact, Rural Observatory; Rural youth and generational renewal; Smart villages and digitalisation of agriculture; Green architecture and eco-schemes; and CAP evaluation and monitoring. See the event webpage for further information.