EU CAP Network event - 1st National Networks Meeting
The 1st National Networks Meeting, gathering the National Rural Networks and National CAP Networks, was organised by the CAP Implementation Contact Point of the EU CAP Network, jointly with the Croatian National Network, in Omiš, Croatia, on 22 and 23 March 2023.
Organised by EU CAP Network
- English
- Hotel Plaža - Omiš, Croatia
- In-person

Main objectives of the meeting:
- To discuss the seven CAP National Networks’ objectives as defined by Art. 126 of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115.
- To present the findings of the Network Mapping exercise undertaken by the CAP Implementation Contact Point.
- To discuss the possibilities for networking under thematic clusters.
- To provide an update on CAP networks’ activities.
Agenda - 1st National Networks Meeting
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Additional info
Hotel Plaža
Trg Kralja Tomislava 6 Omiš Croatia
EU CAP Network
EU Stakeholders
National Network Mapping Exercise, Mike Gregory, CAPI CP, EU CAP Network
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Working session on CAP NN objective 6, European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP, EU CAP Network
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Annual Work Programme, Tommaso Codazzi, Communications and Events Support Unit, EU CAP Network
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The launch of Agricultural & Rural Inspiration Awards 2023, David Lamb, EU CAP Network
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Welcome to Sweden - Two Networking Meetings, Maria Gustafsson, Swedish NN
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