1st meeting of the Thematic Group on Rural Youth Employment: the Voice of Rural Youth
This was the first meeting of the Thematic Group on Rural Youth Employment: the Voice of Rural Youth, which takes a holistic approach in exploring the mechanisms to support employment of rural young people.
- English
- Online

This EU CAP Network Thematic Group (TG), facilitated by the CAP Implementation Contact Point, takes a holistic approach in exploring the mechanisms to support employment of rural young people, considering developments on the rural job market, ongoing global trends, but also relevant policies and available tools, initiatives and funds.
The main objective of this TG is to explore various approaches to developing sustainable and high-quality rural jobs accessible to young people, and thereby inform relevant policies.
Aims of the meeting:
- Introducing TG members to each other;
- Gaining a better understanding of the TG topic; and
- Sharing personal experience and exchanging on challenges and opportunities.
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Additional info
CAP Implementation Contact Point
EU CAP Network
Introduction to the Thematic Group, Veronika Korcekova, CAPI CP, EU CAP Network
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Rural youth employment: setting the scene, Peter Toth, CAPI CP, EU CAP Network
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Rural youth employment: public & third sector, Jakub Dvorsky, NGO Lisov Museum, Slovakia
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Next steps for the TG, Elena Di Federico, Veronika Korcekova, CAPI CP, EU CAP Network
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Miro board - Group A
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Miro board - Group B
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Miro board - Group C
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