
39 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Innovative use of wood for producing fashion items

A female entrepreneur set up a company to produce high quality fashion products made of natural material.

Good Practice - Project

‘Les 3 Givrées’ - Ice cream from the farm

In an area where the agricultural sector is under pressure due the expansion of a nearby urban centre, the diversification of farming activities e.g. ice-cream production and marketing, can ensure the farm’s sustainability.

Good Practice - Project

Darja Šolar - A young farmer investing in beekeeping

A young farmer used RDP support to expand and diversify the range of products and services offered by her beekeeping holding.

Good Practice - Project

In the footsteps of the old flavours of Przeworsk county

A project that aimed to mobilise society, build inter-generational cooperation and promote the region’s culinary tradition as means to preserve its cultural heritage.

Publikation - Event Reports |

ENRD Workshop on Combatting Rural Depopulation

This is the highlights report of the ENRD Workshop on 'Combatting Rural Depopulation: Creating new opportunities for…

Good Practice - Project

SIA - “Positive Foods”

RDP support enabled a home-based business that sells quality vegetarian food products to increase its production capacity and reach out to an international market.

Good Practice - Project

Golashane Farm Nature Reserve

Using RDP support to turn a farm into a nature reserve; contributing to tackling biodiversity loss.

Good Practice - Project

A young female farmer investing on mechanised agriculture

Switching from manual labour to mechanised work in order to make the business much more cost effective.

Good Practice - Project

Young farmer start-up in French Guyana

A young female farmer used RDP support to develop a farm business that would provide her with sufficient income in order to become a full time farmer.

Publikation - Magazine |

Magazin „Rural Connections“, Ausgabe Frühjahr/Sommer 2018

Diese Ausgabe beschäftigt sich eingehend mit dem Generationenwechsel in der Landwirtschaft und den Maßnahmen, die…