
39 result(s)
Good Practice - Project | 06 Juli 2018

Diversifying a young female farmer’s income by investing in farm tourism

A young female farmer decided to renovated an old building on the family farm and offer accommodation for tourists.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 06 Juli 2018

Supporting young farmers’ entrepreneurship

A young female farmer in Italy received RDP support to convert to organic fruit production.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Publikation - Briefing |

Förderung von Arbeitsplätzen und Beschäftigung zur Verbesserung der sozialen Inklusion und zur Bewältigung des demografischen Wandels

Diese Einweisung wurde als Hintergrundmaterial für die ENRD-Arbeit am Thema „Soziale Inklusion“ (2017-2018) erstellt…

  • GAP-Implementierung
Publikation - Event Reports |

Social hubs in rural Europe

This is the main report of a dedicated ENRD workshop which explored ways of responding to demographic change and…

  • GAP-Implementierung
Publikation - Magazine |

Magazin „Rural Connections“, Ausgabe Frühjahr 2015

Die Rubrik „Neuigkeiten“ der Frühjahrsausgabe 2015 von Rural Connections berichtet über die neue ENRD-Kontaktstelle…

  • GAP-Implementierung
  • Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI
  • Bewertung
Publikation - Magazine |

EU Rural Review 6 'Employment and Social Inclusion'

Encouraging rural employment, tackling rural poverty and improving the quality of life.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 07 Apr. 2017

Business Development for Women – tailored support for female rural entrepreneurs

Business Development for Women’ provided a business training programme to 60 women, giving them the knowledge and skills necessary to create a business plan for developing their rural business.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 26 Aug. 2016

Business start-up support for young farmers

A young female farmer in Lithuania benefited from EAFRD business start-up support to establish a modern, profitable farm.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 25 Juli 2016

“Goodies village” in Lithuania

This Lithuanian LEADER project empowered the women of a small village to create a brand for their organic fruit and vegetables, and increase the income they generate by selling their home produce. 

  • GAP-Implementierung