
142 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Knehtilä organic farm and Palopuro symbiosis

An award-winning organic farm in Finland set up a food production network with neighbouring farms aiming to achieve energy and nutrient self-sufficiency.

Good Practice - Project

LEADER Impact Barometer

Piloting a tool that helps assess the impact potential and necessary points of improvement of LEADER projects, already during the project’s application phase.

Good Practice - Project

Terroir Moselle - Wine and architecture route

The ‘Terroir Moselle wine and architecture route’ is a ‘preparatory’ cooperation project gathering six LEADER areas, five wine growing areas from four regions and three countries.

Good Practice - Project

Support to civil society organisations for the preservation and promotion of biodiversity

Organising a series of awareness raising and capacity building activities for environmental NGOs in Mayotte.

Good Practice - Project

Development of healthy fruit and vegetable products for children

Brand new manufacturing and packaging procedures were developed in order to produce healthy nutritional products for children from fruit and vegetables.

Good Practice - Project

Cooperative ‘Vun der Atert’ – A community based model for quality meat production

An integrated, community focussed model for quality meat production based on short supply chains, working together, and exchanging experiences between consumers and producers.

Good Practice - Project

Modernisation of the Poharci dairy farm

A dairy farm combined three RDP supported operations to increase and modernise milk production and secure one full-time job.

Good Practice - Project

It happens in Loco – Alto Minho Mountain

A Technical Assistance project about empowering local and regional actors to work more effectively with rural communities in order to revitalise these areas.

Good Practice - Project

i9Rural - Technical Assistance and Transfer of Innovation for Forestry and Agriculture

A project to allow small businesses in the agricultural and forestry sectors to incorporate innovation more efficiently.

Good Practice - Project

Social farming and product innovation

A farm employing people with special needs set up a process line and an experimental kitchen, where non-commercial agricultural produce can be turned into new products.