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Introducing the Sámi food culture into public kitchens
Socially inclusive food supplies for the Swedish Sámi community.
- CAP Implementation

EIP-AGRI Operational Group: Farmers4Safety – Managing Risk Together Project
CAP support in Ireland improves farm safety and wellbeing of agricultural workers.
- CAP Implementation

Bonita - Introducing a new, resistant club variety of apples in Slovenia
Slovenian apple producers introduce new and popular eco-friendly variety.
- CAP Implementation

Sloga Kranj cooperative – Setting up producer groups of potato, vegetable and fruit growers
Slovenian smallholders cooperate to strengthen their collective competitiveness.
- CAP Implementation

The Linen Project in the Netherlands
CAP funds help identify opportunities for improving localised linen production.
- CAP Implementation

EIP AGRI Operational group EKOPAKT for the integrity of organic food supply chains
An EIP-AGRI Operational Group aimed to improve the traceability and marketing of organic beef in the Slovenian food supply chain through a blockchain-based system.
- CAP Implementation

Fitomicorrizas – Mycorrhizal plant production
The EIP AGRI Operational Group FitoMicorrizas developed new sustainable cultivation strategies to produce mycorrhizae between native species of highly valued mycorrhizal fungi and plants.
- CAP Implementation

The FarmPEAT Arts Competition: ‘Love Your Wellies’
An EIP AGRI Operational Group designed an arts competition to increase awareness among young people about the environmental impacts of intensively farming peat soils.
- CAP Implementation

EIP PRO-PRIDELAVA - Increasing agricultural productivity with efficient and sustainable use of water
A cooperation project that promotes sustainable water use and smart irrigation, contributing to the mitigation of climate change and improving the quantity and quality of crop production.
- CAP Implementation

Local Water Partnerships in Poland
A technical assistance funded project to promote cooperation and networking between stakeholders for effective water management.
- CAP Implementation