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Cooperation to establish a dairy supply chain in Slovakia
A partnership between farms and a cooperative to modernise the production of dairy products and establish their own short supply chain.
- CAP Implementation

A model advisory project on nature conservation and protection
A cooperation project to develop an innovative, area-specific model of nature conservation advisory services.
- CAP Implementation
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI

Promoting the ‘Rural Quality’ trademark in Hungary
Expanding the Rural Quality brand in Hungary
- CAP Implementation

Operational Group (OG) ARGE Kreisläufe - Recycling through return, transfer, or use of organic byproducts on the farm.
Developing and testing practical solutions to close material cycles in farms through better use of agricultural residues.
- CAP Implementation

Implementation of quality certification in tomato production
A cooperative in Spain implemented a quality certification programme for tomato crops, aiming to increase the added value of the product, while being committed to promote safe and sustainable production processes.
- CAP Implementation

Mobile social grocery 'De Kommisje'
Setting up a ‘mobile social grocery’ where users will pay a low price for products, and may also choose free products, improving accessibility, reducing iscolation and giving families a more ‘human’ experience.
- CAP Implementation

Hay meat and milk
A European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Operational Group was set up to ensure the viability and continuation of the traditional farming method for hay fed milk and meat production.
- CAP Implementation

An innovative model of production, processing and distribution of herbs in the Zielawa Valley, Poland
An EIP Operational Group developed and tested a unique end-to-end agroforestry production process that is sustainable, profitable for the farm and the processing company, and which benefits consumers through products made in a way that supports the environment.
- CAP Implementation

Ancient Grain - Innovation in cultivation, processing and marketing of primary forms of wheat
An EIP Operational Group worked on the reintroduction of ancient wheat species in the context of current practices applied at farm level.
- CAP Implementation

RETA - Network of Farm Incubators
A European Innovation Partnership (EIP) operational group established a network of farm incubators in Spain to support young farmers who do not have previous family connections or a background in farming.
- CAP Implementation