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84 result(s)
Good Practice - Project | 26 Aug. 2016
PAULa agri-environment schemes
The PAULa scheme’s support for species-rich grasslands from Rheinland-Pfalz represents good practice in its approach to implementing a Results-Based Agri-environment Payment Scheme (RBAPS).
- GAP-Implementierung

Good Practice - Project | 26 Juli 2016
Reconstruction of the Averlosche Leide canal
A canal stream was reconstructed to get extra water storage capacity and to improve the water quality and biodiversity in the surrounding area.
- GAP-Implementierung

Good Practice - Project | 26 Juli 2016
BIONET – Preserving Biodiversity in Veneto
In the region of Veneto a network of actors cooperated to preserve biodiversity and to provide targeted support to farmers engaged in this task.
- GAP-Implementierung

Good Practice - Project | 25 Juli 2016
South & East Cork Bird Trail
The innovative East Cork Bird Trail created a trail that provides extensive interpretative resources.
- GAP-Implementierung