
84 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Restoration of the Röcknitzbach stream

A project addressing the Water Framework Directive, by restoring the natural flow of a stream, while preserving the local cultural heritage and protecting from floods.

Good Practice - Project

Sustainable cultivation of olive trees and innovative extraction of olive oil

An example of sustainable cultivation of olive trees and extraction of olive oil using innovative ultrasound techniques.

Good Practice - Project

Janez Smrtnik's farm – Mountain farming using indigenous breeds

An organic mountain farm uses indigenous breeds to produce high-quality meat, while preserving the local environment and genetic resources.

Good Practice - Project

Investing in organic agriculture in a Less Favoured Area

A farmer in a Less Favoured Area turned to organic agriculture and began growing ancient varieties of cereals. He has achieved sustainability through niche, quality production.

Good Practice - Project

Water management for nature reserve in Western Langstraat

Adjustments to water management and remedial measures help to preserve protected areas and conserve the landscape of the Western Langstraat.

Good Practice - Project

Zagorin Hellas - Control by sexual confusion of pest Lepidoptera in apple orchards

A cooperative of apple producers set up a joint effort among its members to control the codling moth, a major pest, by means of sexual confusion.

Good Practice - Project

Promoting sustainable forest management

An intervention supporting the sustainable management of forest resources, leading to improved economic performance.

Good Practice - Project

Farmers of Amstel

Amstelland Natuurzuivel is a cooperative of farmers in the Amstelland region who set up a milk factory to produce regional dairy products for the Amsterdam area.

Good Practice - Project

Golashane Farm Nature Reserve

Using RDP support to turn a farm into a nature reserve; contributing to tackling biodiversity loss.

Good Practice - Project

Restoring the habitats of the Aquatic Warbler

Maintaining natural and semi-natural meadows and wetlands to ensure suitable nesting conditions for an endangered bird species: the Aquatic Warbler.