Good Practice - Project

Wood Phoenix

Wood Phoenix project reduces wood waste through experimental design and reuse of used wood and wood scraps to create equipment for the local community
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022 Slovenia
    - Programming period: 2014-2022 Slovenia

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P6. Social inclusion and local development
    RDP Measure
    • M19: LEADER/CLLD


    To prevent the generation of and reduce the amount of wood waste, the project aimed to reuse discarded wood or reclaim wood scraps to produce equipment that would complement the footpaths, enrich scenic viewpoints and enable better access to the rapidly developing and increasingly visited natural bathing site for the local community. Paired with an extensive awareness-raising campaign about how to reduce waste beyond simply used wood, the project involved cooperation between business and educational institutions as the prototypes for the community equipment were developed by woodworking students through a competition. The equipment was then produced reusing wood that otherwise would have ended up in landfills or burned, causing environmental impacts.


    Direct effects of the project:

    • equipment made of used wood was installed: 20 benches around the community and 9 deckchairs, a changing room and a diving board for the bathing site,
    • a composting toilet was built at the bathing site,
    • a short promotional video was recorded,   
    • a press conference was held, and
    • almost 600 participants attended 8 lectures and film screenings.

    Wood scraps and used wood can be reused rather than disposed of and possibly cause environmental harm. Waste reduction and reuse needs to start with targeted awareness-raising and education campaigns for employees in companies and the broader community. The project also demonstrated that forming connections between businesses and educational institutions can meet the need for primary and secondary school students and university students to gain practical experience during their studies and get to know future employers.


    Zadruga Lokatur, z.o.o., so.p.


    Total budget 95 568 (EUR)
    EAFRD 54 357 (EUR)
    National/Regional 13 589 (EUR)
    Private 27 622 (EUR)



    English language


    (PDF – 1.19 MB)