General information
RDP Priority
- P2. Competitiveness
RDP Focus Area
- 2A: Farm’s performance, restructuring & modernisation
RDP Measure
- M04: Investments in physical assets
Much of the land outside Färna village was overgrown and uncultivated before Johan Mansanders launched his business. With help from the RDP at the initial phase of the enterprise, he invested in equipment and machines to restore 30 ha of land. He planted rhubarb and black currant in 16 hectares of land connected to Färna Manor, and started selling raw and refined products to the local market in the county and surrounding areas.
A total of 30 hectares of land are cultivated with 60 000 black currant plants and 20 000 rhubarb plants in production. Products are sold in stores, cafés and restaurants in Västmanland county and neighbouring counties. Thanks to Färna Cultures, the fields outside Färna village are now green and contribute to the living cultural landscape.
Färna Cultures was awarded the Swedish ‘Ullbagge-price’ for its contribution to rural development.

Johan Matsander
Total budget 734 659 (EUR)
EAFRD 48 336 (EUR)
National/regional 70 718 (EUR)
Private 615 605 (EUR)
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