General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6B: Local development
RDP Measure
To reduce reliance on fossil fuels through the use of renewable energy sources, a wood-fuel business in Leitrim, north-west Ireland, has invested in more efficient wood-chipping machinery of large capacity.
As the only Wood Fuel Quality Assurance Certified (WFQA) supplier locally, the investment from LEADER will help McCauley Wood Fuels fill the gap in the local supply chain and ensure the necessary capacity in anticipation of increasing demand for wood chips. The new machinery with its increased flexibility will also open up a greater market for small-scale private forestry to process small lots on-site for the forestry grower themselves.
The company expanded its client base by securing two new customers who source significant volumes of biomass from the company.
The volume of wood chip processed by the company has increased by 250%, with a potential total capacity increase of 500%.
The new biomass wood chipping machine processes wood chip each week that displaces significant quantities of fossil fuel. In 2019, McCauley Wood Fuels will have sufficient biomass processed and lined-up for delivery to displace the equivalent of over 200 000 litres of oil per week.

McCauley Woodfuels Limited
Total budget 149 668.5 (EUR)
EAFRD 46 995.9 (EUR)
National/Regional 27 838.3 (EUR)
Private 74 834.3 (EUR)
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