What are Focus Groups

An EU CAP Network Focus Group is a temporary group of selected experts focusing on a specific subject, creating a forum for sharing knowledge and experience. Joining an EU CAP Network Focus Group allows you to contribute with your expertise and learn from peers. It may also help broaden your professional European network and form the start of a new cooperation.
Each Focus Group takes stock on the specific matter, explores practical and innovative solutions to problems or opportunities, and draws on experience derived from related projects. Focus Groups are steered by an expert in the field, a so called ‘coordinating expert’. Members of the Focus Group meet twice and produce a report with outcomes of the work performed.
The Focus Groups also discuss and document research results and best practices and identify the implications for further research activities that will help solve practical problems in the sector.
For more information on Focus Groups and their tasks, please see the EU CAP Network Focus Group Charter.
Objectives of Focus Groups
- Taking stock of the state of play of practice in the field of the Focus Group activity, listing problems and opportunities.
- Taking stock of the state of play of research in the Focus Group’s field, summarising possible solutions to problems listed.
- Identifying needs from practice and possible directions for further research.
- Highlighting priorities for innovative actions by suggesting potential practical Operational Groups or other project formats to test solutions and opportunities, including ways to disseminate the practical knowledge gathered.
Ongoing Focus Groups
Production of protein crops under climate change
How to increase European plant protein self-sufficiency by integrating the sustainable production of plant-based protein in different value chains and regions, taking climate change into account?
Learn moreLocal perennial plant genetic resources in view of climate change and biodiversity loss
How can the conservation and utilisation of local under-utilised varieties of perennial crops be attractive and profitable for farmers and thereby contribute to biodiversity-friendly sustainable farming under climate change?
Learn moreAlternative solutions for livestock product differentiation
Which approaches are there to differentiate livestock products for enhanced market diversification and new business models?
Learn moreExplore the work of previous Focus Groups
Regenerative agriculture for soil health
How can regenerative agriculture practices help farmers restore, protect and improve soil health and productivity?
Learn moreCrop associations including Milpa and protein crops
How can crop associations be integrated into existing cropping systems and farm landscapes to increase farm resilience and efficient use of natural resources while reducing dependency on external inputs?
Learn moreCompetitive and resilient mountain areas
Which innovative approaches and innovations linked to agriculture, forestry and the bioeconomy can foster competitiveness, socio-economic and environmental resilience of mountain areas and their communities?
Learn moreEnhancing biodiversity on farmland through high-diversity landscape features
How can farmers create and maintain high-diversity landscape features (HDLF) that positively impact farmland biodiversity?
Learn moreSocial farming and innovations
How can social farming contribute to innovation in agriculture while strengthening the multi-functional role of agriculture and connecting people from urban and rural areas?
Learn moreRecovery of abandoned agricultural lands
How to foster new, practical ways for better management of abandoned agricultural land in a sustainable way?
Learn moreHow to apply

Every year, the EU CAP Network announces an open call to find experts for new Focus Groups with a focus on innovation, knowledge exchange and EIP-AGRI.
The conditions for applying to Focus Groups are described in the dedicated call text. All Focus Group experts are selected based on their proven practical expertise, which can support the goals of the Focus Group. Focus Group experts are nominated by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI). To strike a balance between different types of expertise, and depending on the specific questions that are addressed, a Focus Group typically consists of farmers, scientists, advisors and a few representatives of agri-businesses, NGOs or other relevant organisations. Focus Group experts participate in their personal capacity and do not represent their organisations or other entities.
All calls for interest are currently closed. Subscribe to the newsletter for innovation and knowledge exchange and EIP-AGRI to stay up to date on any new Focus Group calls.
The newsletter will also announce any new calls for participants in ad hoc national expert meetings, which help shape the topics and work of upcoming Focus Groups.
Former EIP-AGRI Focus Groups
Under the EIP-AGRI, 46 Focus Groups were set up between 2013 and 2021. As of 2022, the ‘Support Facility for Innovation and Knowledge exchange including EIP-AGRI’ sets up Focus Groups under the EU CAP Network.
EIP-AGRI Challenge videos
Explore the challenges addressed by the Focus Groups in these videos. You can find the full collection of EIP-AGRI Challenge videos on YouTube, highlighting challenges that farmers, foresters and rural communities are facing.
Contact information
If you have any questions about the EU CAP Network Focus Groups, please get in touch with us at focusgroup.innovation@eucapnetwork.eu.