EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Protein Crops: Final Report
The EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Protein crops addressed the challenge of improving the profitability of protein crops in…

The EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Protein crops addressed the challenge of improving the profitability of protein crops in Europe in order to make it an attractive crop for farmers while satisfying the requests of the animal feed industry (and to some extent the food industry) and promoting more technically, economically and environmentally sustainable European agricultural production systems. With this as objective, a group of 20 experts from across Europe assessed the challenge and identified possible solutions. French translation courtesy of Réseau Rural National Français / Fonds Européen Agricole de Développement Rural; Spanish translation courtesy of the RRN (Red Rural Nacional).
EIP-AGRI Service Point
Focus Group Protein Crops: Final report (English version)
(PDF – 781.34 KB)
Focus Group Protein Crops: Final report summary - newsletter version (English)
(PDF – 165.88 KB)
Focus Group Protein Crops: Final report summary - newsletter version: French version
(PDF – 541.84 KB)
Focus Group Protein Crops: Summary of the final report: Spanish version
(PDF – 514.92 KB)