Focus Group 'Crop associations including Milpa and protein crops'

Final report Factsheet

How to integrate crop associations into existing cropping systems and farm landscapes to increase farm resilience and efficient use of natural resources while reducing the dependency on external inputs?


Crops and plants
  • Identify, describe and classify with adequate examples, existing or new plant associations, adapted to each farming system within their landscapes and local/regional conditions.
  • Analyse the impact of the most promising crop associations on the environment, on the farmers’ productivity, profitability and resilience to climate change.
  • Identify their success and fail factors and barriers for implementation and adaptation in different regions.
  • Explore the role of innovation and knowledge exchange in addressing the challenges identified such as crop selection, crop rotation management, machinery, and product end use.
  • Propose potential innovative actions and ideas for Operational Groups to stimulate the use and improvement of crop associations at farm level considering the impact on the landscape.
  • Identify needs from practice and possible gaps in knowledge related to crop associations which may be solved by further research.

EIP-AGRI Challenge

In France, Émilie Combebiac and Martin Helmas are testing new crop mixtures, and comparing the impact on soil fertility and crop quality.

Focus Group members

Mr/Ms Surname First name Country Profession
Mr. Ait Barka Essaid France Researcher
Mr. Badenes Perez Francisco Ruben Spain Researcher
Mr. Baranger Alain France Researcher
Mr. Bortolussi Stefano Italy Farm advisor
Mr. Bourke Martin Ireland Farm advisor
Mr. Brüning Fokko Germany Farmer
Mr. Deasy Maurice Ireland Expert from an organisation, network, group or enterprise
Mr. Finch Joshua Finland Other
Mr. Fogelberg Fredrik Sweden Researcher
Mr. Giamoustaris Athanasios Greece Expert from an organisation, network, group or enterprise
Mr. Hatt Séverin Germany Researcher
Mr. Hohmann Pierre Spain Farm advisor
Mr. Kussmann Sebastian Switzerland Expert from an organisation, network, group or enterprise
Ms. Pampana Silvia Italy Researcher
Mr. Schöb Christian Spain Researcher
Mr. Stomph Tjeerd Jan Netherlands Researcher
Mr. van Buuren Arjen Netherlands Farmer
Mr. van Dorst Ivar Netherlands Farm manager or owner
Mr. van Schie Robin Netherlands Entrepreneur
Ms. Watson Christine United Kingdom Researcher

Facilitation team

Ms Karley Alison Coordinating expert
Mr Schreuder Remco Task manager
Mr Loureiro Veira Xurxo Co-task manager

Working documents

Four Mini Papers have been developed within the frame of the EU CAP Network Focus Group ‘Crop associations including Milpa and protein crops’ with the purpose of providing input to the Focus Group discussions and final report.

The information and views set out in these Mini Papers are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this Mini Papers. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

If you wish to cite these Mini Papers, please refer to them as ‘Annexes to the final report of the EU CAP Network Focus Group ‘Crop associations including Milpa and protein crops’, 2024’.



English language

Annex 4 – Mini Paper 1: Cultivar testing as a key to boost uptake of crop associations in breeding and farming

(PDF – 460.2 KB)

English language

Annex 4 – Mini Paper 2: A value chain perspective on crop associations

(PDF – 722.2 KB)

English language

Annex 4 – Mini Paper 3: Integrating crop associations into farming systems

(PDF – 1.26 MB)

English language

Annex 4 – Mini Paper 4: Crop association practices: Where and how to find them?

(PDF – 1.29 MB)

English language

Starting Paper - Crop associations including milpa and protein crops

(PDF – 1.38 MB)