Event - Workshop

EU CAP Network Workshop on Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN) 

This workshop brought together liaison agencies, CAP managers and evaluators to improve awareness and understanding of FSDN. It gave a platform to exchange on challenges and good experiences in providing comprehensive data on farm sustainability.

  • Organised by EU CAP Network
  • - CET
  • English
  • L42 Business Center - Brussels, Belgium
  • In-person
Female research assistant in greenhouse

The Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN) is a new initiative launched by the European Commission to improve the collection and use of farm-level sustainability data across the EU. It builds upon the pre-existing Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) that has been the basis of economic and accounting information on EU farms for 60 years and aims to include more comprehensive data on environmental, social, and economic sustainability of farms. The FSDN will collect new information on several sustainability indicators, such as greenhouse gas emissions, nutrients, biodiversity, water management, labour, and market integration [1]. By capturing this more detailed data, the FSDN will support evidence-based policy decisions, contribute to the future EU benchmarking system, and help farmers adopt more sustainable practices aligning with their own goals and EU strategies including the Green Deal.

The FSDN will play a crucial role in monitoring and assessing the progress of the CAP towards sustainability goals. The FSDN is expected to provide valuable insights for national CAP Strategic Plans, offering the potential to tailor measures to the specific needs and sustainability challenges of each Member State’s (MSs) farming sector. This network will be a key resource for both policymakers and farmers, promoting transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement in EU agriculture.

The transition from FADN to FSDN poses several challenges. Given that the participation is still voluntary, there is a critical need to bring farmers themselves on board, including by addressing concerns about the effort needed to compile the required information. It is also vital to harvest the opportunity derived from increased data sharing, harmonise data collection across MSs, and to ensure data accuracy and comparability. However, the broader data set promises to provide a more complete picture of the sustainability performance of EU farms.

The EU CAP Network, together with the European Commission (DG AGRI), is organised a one-day workshop in Brussels addressing FADN/FSDN liaison agencies, CAP managing authorities, FADN/FSDN data collectors, advisors, farmers and other stakeholders to support the transition from FADN to FSDN.

The aims of the workshop were to:

  • Bring together the community of FADN/FSDN liaison agencies and the CAP managers and evaluators to find common interests and synergies.
  • Provide an update on the purpose and key aspects of the transition from FADN to FSDN.
  • Improve awareness and understanding of CAP managers and evaluators, FADN/FSDN liaison agencies, data collectors, advisors, farmers and other stakeholders on the new data collection requirements.
  • Provide a platform to exchange challenges and good experiences to provide comprehensive data on farm sustainability and opportunities.

[1] Regulation - EU - 2023/2674 - EN - EUR-Lex (europa.eu)


English language

Final Agenda - Workshop Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN)

(PDF – 225.28 KB)

Additional info


L42 Business Center

Rue de la loi 42 Brussels 1040 Belgium


EU CAP Network

EU Stakeholders


CAP Implementation Contact Point

EU CAP Network



English language

Background Briefing - Workshop on the Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN)

(PDF – 206.08 KB)


English language

Framing presentation on the new Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN) – Andrea Furlan, DG AGRI, Unit A.2

(PDF – 1.57 MB)

English language

The Role of FADN/FSDN in CAP Management: A perspective from Ireland – Trevor Donnellan, Teagasc, Ireland

(PDF – 976.1 KB)

English language

Positive experiences with FSDN – The Italian Survey - Sonia Marongiu, CREA, Italy

(PDF – 1.69 MB)

English language

Sustainability effects of the uptake of more grass-based feeding practices: Evidence from Sweden – Gordana Manevska Tasevska, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

(PDF – 288.22 KB)

English language

Use of FADN data in CAP evaluation in Flanders – Linn Dumez, Flemish Agency of Agriculture and Fisheries, Belgium Flanders

(PDF – 993.92 KB)