Event - Thematic Group meeting

1st meeting of the Thematic Group on Economic Vulnerability of Farming

This was the first meeting of the Thematic Group on Economic Vulnerability of Farming.

  • Organised by EU CAP Network
  • - CET
  • English
  • Belgium
  • Online
tractor in a grass field

Farming faces significant economic challenges, with issues such as price volatility, rising input costs, and increasing competition from global markets, all contributing to a complex environment for European farmers. Additionally, the increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events are already negatively impacting agricultural production. These challenges are particularly acute for smaller farms and farmers in economically disadvantaged or geographically challenging regions. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) provides several mechanisms for risk prevention and risk management with a focus on supporting farmers to build up resilience by mitigating the impacts of crises and being able to better respond to these challenges, including through direct payments, productive and non-productive investments, and risk management tools.

This Thematic Group explored various issues associated with the economic vulnerability of farming, including risk management. Members also considered how challenges can be overcome by farm businesses, e.g. through new ways of working, the application of risk management tools, and the use of income support tools. The group examined how the CAP currently addresses, or could better address, economic vulnerabilities.

The first meeting aimed to:

  • Discuss what we mean by the economic vulnerability of farming and identify the drivers of vulnerability.
  • Discuss how farm-based businesses are capitalising on the possibilities for overcoming the challenges associated with farming's vulnerability.
  • Begin to consider the effectiveness of current CAP interventions/frameworks to address economic vulnerabilities.

To follow the work of this Thematic Group, please visit this page regularly, subscribe to our monthly newsletter, and follow us on social media (#EconomicVulnerability).


English language

Agenda - 1st meeting of Thematic Group on Economic Vulnerability of Farming

(PDF – 135.53 KB)

Additional info


EU CAP Network

EU Stakeholders


CAP Implementation Contact Point

EU CAP Network



English language

Background Paper - Thematic Group (TG) on Economic Vulnerability of Farming

(PDF – 224.66 KB)

English language

List of Members - Thematic Group on Economic Vulnerability of Farming

(PDF – 221.76 KB)


English language

Introduction to the Thematic Group (TG) – Alistair Prior, EU CAP Network

(PDF – 261.19 KB)

English language

Overview of Economic Vulnerability of Farming – Carina Folkeson, EU CAP Network

(PDF – 1.01 MB)

English language

CAP Instruments Targeting Economic Vulnerability – Gijs Schilthuis, DG AGRI

(PDF – 367.93 KB)

English language

Risk Management as a Tool for Economic Vulnerability – Linda Silina, LLKC

(PDF – 952.48 KB)

English language

Parallel Group Sessions – Alistair Prior, EU CAP Network

(PDF – 107 KB)

English language

Feedback and Next Steps – Alistair Prior, EU CAP Network

(PDF – 152.68 KB)

English language

Miroboard – Group 1

(PDF – 804.29 KB)

English language

Miroboard – Group 2

(PDF – 849.31 KB)

English language

Miroboard – Group 3

(PDF – 808.16 KB)