Third thematic evaluation report: strategic plans of Operational Groups
The evaluation, carried out in the framework of the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme (RDP) of the Tuscany region, covers the implementation of the EIP-AGRI Operational Group Strategic Plans tool during 2017-2021.
- Italy
- 2014-2022
- Cross-cutting impacts

The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of implementing the EIP-AGRI Operational Group Strategic Plans (OGSPs) tool introduced in the 2014-2020 programming period and the first results obtained by the Tuscany region's OGSPs.
The report focuses on the OGSPs' organisational and implementation aspects and gives insights on:
- The 'birth' of the strategic plans and Operational Groups (OGs).
- The launch and implementation phase on elements that positively or negatively affected the outcome of strategic plans (e.g.procedural, implementation and governance).
- The effective capacity to build a solid link between research and production and the role of the bottom-up approach in fostering the success of a strategic plan.
- The distribution of the OGSP in Tuscany and the relevant actors.
The thematic evaluation is made up of two reports: the first concerns the structuring phase and the observation phase of the evaluation process, and the second focuses on the analysis and judgment phases. The evaluation is structured in three evaluation questions related to the life-cycle of the EIP OGs: project definition and OG creation, start-up and implementation, and conclusion and dissemination.
The evaluation relies on a qualitative approach favouring the so-called participatory evaluation. This consists of the participation of all the actors involved in implementing the interventions and in identifying the most appropriate data collection tool (e.g. operational meetings, informal discussions, deep interviews, case studies, focus groups etc.).
The main secondary data source used is the regional monitoring system. The documentary analysis has made it possible to reconstruct features of the interventions and the main elements of the implementation instruments activated during the programming period. Primary data were collected through interviews based on semi-structured questionnaires using the Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) method while 16 case studies were also carried out. Detailed information on OGSPs has been geolocated (e.g. province, sector, theme, etc.) using QGIS software aiming to photograph their territorial distribution and track, where possible, some dynamics of the territories (e.g. the propensity for aggregation towards a theme rather than a productive sector).
Two focus groups were carried out to collect information useful for the analysis and to subsequently formulate conclusions and recommendations. The first one was with representatives of the main sectoral associations, which gathered information on the effectiveness of the strategic plan tool. The second group included representatives of the Managing Authority to share the analysis results.
Concerning the definition of strategic plans and the creation of OGs, the evaluation concludes that the existence of a common purpose among the components of the OG is one of the fundamental elements for the success of a strategic plan. The tool is effective when the idea is shared and recognised within the partnership and even more when actors involved in the system/strategic plan come from the same context or supply chain. This element likely created favourable conditions for the introduction of themes closer to the production side by shifting the focus to methods and technology transfer rather than to pure research. The ability of the OGSPs to create bridges between problems and solutions is a clear success.
Concerning the management of OGs, in the first 52 projects selected from the 2017 call for proposals (sub-Measure 16.1), there was an excellent mix of researchers and experts. The analysis also highlights that in the 2022 call (sub-Measure 16.2), the remuneration of the farmer’s commitment within the strategic plan through standard costs has favoured the participation of agricultural holdings.
The evaluator highlights some elements related to the management phase of OGs. Cooperation with certain entities, such as universities, is hampered by administrative rules that can cause delays in implementing a strategic plan. For medium and small farms, which constitute a substantial part of the Tuscan agricultural economy, it is difficult to take an active part in strategic plans due to poor structuring i.e. lack of additional staff beyond the farm holder able to follow the project.
In this context, the evaluation mentions introducing specific financial monitoring linked to OGSPs within the regional monitoring system of the "Agenzia Regionale Toscana per le Erogazioni in Agricoltura" (ARTEA).
Concerning the reduction of burdens on beneficiaries, corrective measures introduced in the frame of a regional 'administrative simplification laboratory' made it possible to lighten certain aspects that made the start and management of strategic plans cumbersome. Simplification efforts have been recognised by farms that took an active part in the process of reviewing procedures and content.
The differentiation of information/training channels played a key role in information and dissemination activities. Websites of individual projects showcased their work, and in many cases, communication activities have been accompanied by constant information initiatives (e.g. newsletters). The Tuscany region website also gives visibility to the projects while the 'Innovarurale' platform is also appreciated.
Concerning results obtained by OGs, the georeferenced analysis shows good territorial coverage of interventions and supply chains. It emerges that the projects are mainly located in territories with holdings with related activities (e.g. processing, agri-tourism, direct sales etc.) or that make quality productions. Finally, the strategic plan tool enabled the creation of stable and lasting partnerships capable of raising the quality of cooperation over time and allowing the introduction and dissemination of innovations using RDP funding and throughout supply chains and dissemination of innovations using RDP funding and throughout supply chains across the territory.
Lattanzio KIBS
Third thematic assessment report analysis and judgment
(PDF – 1.91 MB – 38 pages)
Third thematic evaluation report structuring and observation phases
(PDF – 1.91 MB – 38 pages)