Publication - Policy Insights |

Enhancing gender equality in EU agri-food systems

Our Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is designed to support actions and targets that benefit all EU citizens and features a strategic emphasis on fairness.

  • 2023-2027

Our Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is purposely designed to support actions and targets that benefit all EU citizens and features a strategic emphasis on fairness. Together with the Long-term vision for rural areas, the newly designed CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs) for the 2023-2027 programming period can contribute to policy goals for all who live in rural areas, including by enhancing gender equality.

Gender equality has been an important strategic objective for European policies since the 1957 Treaty of Rome. The current Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU reconfirms a need for policy emphases on achieving this goal and the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 promotes better integration of gender perspectives in all EU policies. However, gender equality is still not a reality in most EU Member States, including in agriculture.

The European Institute for Gender Equality draws attention to the significant gaps between women and men in EU agriculture and rural development, noting, for example, how women contributing work within the farm business may not always receive a separate income from male members of the same household. This can hinder rural womens’ rights, such as in relation to social security, in addition to existing inequalities surrounding ownership of land or farm property. EU farming bodies like Copa-Cogeca highlight other aspects of gender inequality, acknowledging that rural women experience a range of barriers that contribute to the glass ceiling.

This article offers insights on data and analyses on gender inequalities. It then offers food for thought - and practical suggestions - on awareness raising, policy tools, data collection and other possible actions that can help Europe acknowledge the full contribution of rural women to its society and economy.

Last updated


CAP Implementation Contact Point



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Policy insights - Enhancing gender equality in EU agri-food systems

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