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Highlights report - EU CAP Network's Steering Group - 2nd Meeting

The meeting aimed to introduce and discuss the potential success factors of the strategic framework of the EU CAP Network, present the outcomes of other governance meetings, and update members on achievements and plans of the EU CAP Network.

  • 2023-2027
Group picture of the steering group

The Steering Group is one of the main governance bodies of the European CAP Network alongside the Assembly. It follows up on the work of the EU CAP Network, in particular it ensures good coordination of the thematic work of the network.

The second meeting of the Steering Group (SG) opened with an introduction to the strategic framework of the EU CAP Network, which helps assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities of the network. SG members heard about progress and inputs from National Networks.

The meeting included an information session on governance meetings, with updates on the Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (SoIKE), the Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans (SoCSP) and the Subgroup on LEADER and territorial development (SoLTD). An update on monitoring and evaluation was then presented from the expert group on the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan Regulation. Updates from the EU CAP Network Assembly highlighted the importance of this governance body as a place for dialogue and informal exchanges on ideas and experience between high-level stakeholders, including farming bodies.

SG members then received updates on the EU CAP Network activities, including the Young LEADER Forum, EIP-AGRI Innovation Awards 2024 ceremony and Good Practice Workshop on Generational Renewal. Explanations were also provided on the Broadband Competence Office (BCO) Network and the Broadband Support Facility, together with updates from the Rural Pact Support Office.

The proposed joint Annual Work Programme (AWP) 2024/2025 for the EU CAP Network was presented to the SG members, who agreed with the proposed focus and offered inputs to make the EU CAP Network's activities even more useful for their daily work.


EU CAP Network


English language

Report - European CAP Network Steering Group - 2nd meeting - 15 May 2024

(PDF – 2.38 MB – 6 pages)