Publication - Member State Evaluation |

Evaluating the impact of the compensatory allowance in Hessen's Rural Development Programme

The study examines the role of the compensatory allowance measure to preserve permanent grassland and to prevent or mitigate the change to arable land, afforestation or fallow land in Hessen, Germany.

  • Germany
  • 2014-2022
  • Socio-economic impacts
path in the countryside

The analysis utilises data from the 'Integrated Administration and Control System' and land use surveys, examining the influence of both the compensatory allowance in maintaining Hessen's cultural landscape and its contributions to biodiversity, climate and environmental protection. The measure is part of the Hessen Rural Development Programme for 2014-2022.

Focusing on its role in grassland conservation and the structural stability of agriculture in disadvantaged areas, the evaluation highlights significant policy adaptations post-2019, following EU regulatory changes.

Key findings indicate the compensatory allowance’s positive impact on grassland preservation, despite some difficulties in its implementation and interaction with EU greening policies.

The study underscores the compensatory allowance’s critical role in supporting sustainable agricultural practices and landscape conservation in Hessen.

  • Rural Development Programme: Hessen, Germany
  • Programming Period: 2014 - 2022
  • Original Publication Date: 2022




German language

Thunen-Institute evaluating the impact of the compensatory allowance in Hessen

(PDF – 2.16 MB – 55 pages)