EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Permanent Grassland: Final report
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
- Environment
- Climate and Climate Change
- Sustainability
- Agricultural Productivity
- Socio-economic Impacts
The Focus Group ‘Profitability of Permanent Grassland’ addressed the challenge of evaluating the current situation of…

The Focus Group ‘Profitability of Permanent Grassland’ addressed the challenge of evaluating the current situation of Permanent Grassland (PGs) and the required paths for increasing their productivity in a sustainable way.
The Focus Group (FG) recognised that it is a very broad topic and that PG systems and management strategies in Europe are very diverse. The FG grouped the multiple aspects of enhancing permanent grassland productivity and sustainability into seven key issues. This report is centred around these seven key issues. It includes the Focus Group’s main conclusions, with practical recommendations, the identification of relevant fail factors and ideas to overcome them, and potential innovative and research actions. Spanish translation courtesy of the RRN (Red Rural Nacional)
EIP-AGRI Service Point
Focus Group Permanent Grassland: Final report: English version
(PDF – 3.48 MB)
Focus Group Permanent Grassland: Summary of the final report: Spanish version
(PDF – 651.74 KB)