Operational Groups can reap the benefits of networking and exchanging knowledge across (national or regional) borders. This includes meeting each other at networking or demonstration events, or exchanging knowledge over the phone, online or at cross-visits, to joining Europe-wide projects or setting up more formal transnational or cross-border collaboration agreements. Operational Groups can connect with other Operational Groups, research projects, Horizon Europe multi-actor projects, farmers’ organisations, local authorities or European knowledge networks. Their respective National CAP Networks are there to help them connect and collaborate.
On this page:
- Connecting with other Operational Groups
- Opportunities under Horizon Europe
- Transnational and cross-border cooperation under the CAP
- Learn more about opportunities for Operational Group cooperation
Connecting with other Operational Groups

There are many ways for Operational Groups to connect with other Operational Groups.
By running a search in the project database on the EU CAP Network website, Operational Groups can find other projects that work on topics that are similar or complementary to their own. Learning more on the results from other projects can be inspirational, and give the Operational Groups new knowledge or ideas on how to tackle a common challenge. Knowledge exchange can range from consulting the results to setting up email or online exchanges or organising cross-visits.
National CAP Networks often organise networking events where Operational Groups can meet other OGs as well as Horizon projects, advisors or other innovators. National CAP Networks have funding available to organise these types of events. Also Operational Groups have the opportunity to include networking and knowledge exchange activities, such as cross-visits, in their project activities plan. In addition, the Support Facility for Innovation and Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI of the EU CAP Network regularly organises cross-visits between Operational Groups. Operational Groups can apply to join these visits through an open call.
- Keep an eye on the Innovation & Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI newsletter to stay updated on new open calls for EU CAP Network cross-visits between Operational Groups.
- The first EU CAP Network cross-visits for Operational Groups were organised in June 2023. Take a look at the event page to see the results of the cross-visits on organic farming supply and value chain optimisation and circular and organic soil management
- In September 2022, Austrian advisors involved in an Operational Group visited partners in a German Operational Group to exchange views on nutrient management. Read the story in Agrinnovation magazine 9 (2023).
- Two Operational Groups – from Portugal and Italy – organised a cross-visit to learn more about results on cover crops and soil quality, after having met at an EIP-AGRI workshop. Read the article.
Opportunities under Horizon Europe

Operational Groups have the opportunity to get involved in EU-wide projects such as Horizon Europe multi-actor projects or thematic networks.
Thematic networks collect and disseminate knowledge and best practices that are ready for practice. They translate the collected solutions into easily understandable materials and make them available beyond the lifespan of the project.
The latest Horizon Europe calls for Cluster 6 (“Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment”) include calls to set up thematic networks that specifically focus on biodiversity, or on organic farming.
Horizon Europe has launched several EU-wide thematic networks that share best practices from EIP-AGRI Operational Groups across borders, for a wider uptake of innovative results. Examples include CLIMED-FRUIT, Oper8 and FOREST4EU. The 2024 Horizon Europe calls include new opportunities to set up thematic networks broadening Operational Group outcomes.
- Learn more about Horizon Europe thematic networks in the online Horizon Europe portal.
- The EU CAP Network brochure ‘Funding opportunities under Horizon Europe – Calls 2024’ highlights opportunities for agriculture, forestry and rural areas, and will help you find your way through the different calls for 2024.
- Horizon Europe thematic network GOFORESTS shares best practices from EIP-AGRI Operational Groups working in the field of (agro)forestry. Read the article in Agrinnovation magazine 9 (2023).
Transnational and cross-border cooperation under the CAP
The current programming period (2023-2027) now offers the opportunity to form transnational and cross-border Operational Groups. Transnational OGs are projects that include partners from two or more Member States, while cross-border OGs are projects within one country, where two or more different regions work together (see Regulation (EU) 2021/2115, Art. 127, p. 103). This allows partners to set up an Operational Group that includes different Member States or regions in its partnership.
Partners in an Operational Group should always check the specific conditions that are set in their Member States’ CAP Strategic Plans and in particular in the calls for Operational Groups. If needed, they should contact the Managing Authority of their respective Member State to find out what kind of projects they have in mind.
Learn more about opportunities for Operational Group cooperation
- Learn more about cooperation between Operational Groups in the EIP-AGRI Brochure: Operational Groups – Collaborate to innovate and in the EU CAP Network brochure EIP-AGRI Operational Groups - Collaboration and funding opportunities.