Funding opportunities under Horizon Europe - Calls 2024
The brochure 'Funding opportunities under Horizon Europe - calls 2024' highlights funding opportunities for agriculture, forestry and rural areas in Cluster 6 and other parts of the 2024 Horizon Work Programme.
- 2023-2027

Horizon Europe is the largest source of public funding for research and innovation of the European Union. It has a budget of € 95.5 billion, of which around € 9 billion is dedicated to Cluster 6 on ‘Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment’ for 2021-2027.
Through Cluster 6, Horizon Europe aims to address and anticipate issues that farmers, foresters and rural communities face. It funds R&I projects that develop new knowledge and innovative solutions together with researchers, farmers, foresters, advisors and other stakeholders, sharing knowledge and producing results that are ready to be put into practice.
Horizon Europe projects are actively supported by the innovation, knowledge exchange and EIP-AGRI strand of the EU CAP Network.
This brochure highlights funding opportunities for agriculture, forestry and rural areas in Cluster 6 and other parts of the Horizon Europe Work Programme, and helps you find your way through the different calls for 2024.
Support Facility for Innovation and Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI
Brochure - Funding opportunities under Horizon Europe Calls 2024
(PDF – 16.08 MB)