News | 26 Sep 2024

New CSP Summaries available

As part of its analytical work, the EU CAP Network compiled the CSP Factsheets – user-friendly summaries of the CAP Strategic Plans (CSP) adopted in each Member State.

People working as a team

As part of its analytical work, the EU CAP Network compiles resources and creates products that make the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) more easily accessible to stakeholders. One of these products is the CSP Factsheets, which provide easily accessible information on different approaches implemented by the EU Member States in addressing the objectives of the CAP. 

In the 2023-27 programming period, Member States have much more flexibility in designing the intervention strategy of the CAP according to their own specific needs. Thus, Member States have designed their own intervention strategy demonstrating how they will achieve the ten CAP-specific objectives, in keeping with the European Green Deal ambitions.  

The CSP Factsheets are easy-to-use, visually attractive summaries of the different approaches adopted by Member States to address the CAP objectives. They enable stakeholders to gain an overview of the CAP Strategic Plans (CSP) intervention logic from different angles, and the information presented in the documents can be used for comparative or analytical purposes. The Factsheets also support the involvement of stakeholders in the implementation of CSP and the design of interventions. 

The data is taken from the first approved CAP Strategic Plans submitted to the European Commission by the Member States and approved in 2022.  

  • The Factsheets provide an accessible summary of selected CSP information: General Information presents information about the context indicators used for the calculation of the CSP’s targets.
  • CSP Financial Information shows the indicative planned EU budget of both Pillars of the CAP and the national contribution.
  • CSP strategy per CAP-specific objective lists the interventions activated in the CSP under each of the ten specific objectives of the CAP.

CAP-specific objectives and

  • indicators illustrate the planned targets for each specific objective.
  • indicative planned expenditure for eco-schemes show the indicative financial allocation between eco-schemes.
  • indicative financial allocation per Pillar and intervention show how the indicative EU and total public financial allocation is allocated between Pillar, sector and type of intervention.

The factsheets also give information about each country’s National CAP Network and the definition of rural areas used in the CSP. Finally, the section Additional Information presents information about the implementation authorities.

Grasping the big picture The CSP Factsheets by the EU CAP Network are part of a bigger information ecosystem that enhances the opportunities for stakeholders to understand and engage with the CAP.  

Between August and December 2022, all CSPs were approved, and the European Commission has prepared a series of ‘At a glance’ overviews of the individual approved CSPs. The Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development – DG AGRI – has also published a summary document, including facts, figures and financial data that provides an overview of EU countries' CSPs interventions. The data in these tables has been compiled from the initially approved Member State CSPs. In line with its transparency and monitoring requirements, the European Commission launched an online dashboard presenting the targets set at national level by each Member State in its approved CSP, as well as targets at EU level and financial information. In June 2023, the European Parliament’s Agri Committee also published a Comparative analysis of the CAP Strategic Plans and their effective contribution to the achievement of the EU objectives. The CSP Factsheets are also useful in the context of the EU CAP Network’s Thematic Groups (TG) on CAP implementation, particularly related to the Design and implementation of the eco-schemes and Landscape features, since they include the related targets. They also relate to the TG on CAP Strategic Plans: Towards Implementation and the TG on Green Architecture, as they list all the interventions and the specific objectives each CSP has targeted with the interventions. 

We warmly encourage you to share the CSP Factsheets with your own networks, and we are eager to know if you are finding the CSP Factsheets useful for your own work. Let us know via email or talk to @EUCAPNetwork on Facebook, X or Linkedin.