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Rural Inspiration Awards: nominees
Elena and Enrica: Young custodians of rural culture and tradition in Sardinia
Young female entrepreneurs transition their family farm into a multifunctional operation promoting rural culture and tradition in Sardinia
- GAP-Implementierung

Red Cow breed
Genetic resources in animal husbandry: important actions for the local community and the environment to promote traditional, extensive livestock farming and the protection of biodiversity.
- GAP-Implementierung

Implementation of direct deliveries to consumers while maintaining high-quality products through the Folwark Pomorski Operational Group
Direct delivery to consumers implemented while maintaining high-quality products through the Folwark Pomorski Operational Group
- GAP-Implementierung

Wood Phoenix
Wood Phoenix project reduces wood waste through experimental design and reuse of used wood and wood scraps to create equipment for the local community
- GAP-Implementierung

The Circle: From zero impact to a positive impact
The Circle moves from zero impact to a positive impact using aquaponics to produce high-quality sustainable food
- GAP-Implementierung

Krásne Sady - Developing a traditional forest education facility in Slovakia
The traditional forest education facility of Krásne Sady aims to raise awareness and connection with the natural environment in Slovakia through experiential learning.
- GAP-Implementierung

Woola: Replacing plastic bubble wrap by producing packaging out of waste wool
Company in rural Estonia develops system and products to replace plastic bubble wrap packaging with packing materials made from waste wool.
- GAP-Implementierung

A biogas plant investment: From local farming to a new partnership in circular economy
Investment in a biogas plant allows for formation of a new partnership between local farmers and a food producer contributing to the circular economy.
- GAP-Implementierung
- Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI

Mein Schwein (My Pig)
Engaging customers and farmers in sustainable pig farming.
- GAP-Implementierung

Mobiililuotsi - Mobile Guide for refugees and other new rural residents
An app to favour social integration and use of services by newcomers.
- GAP-Implementierung