Good Practice - Project

Krásne Sady - Developing a traditional forest education facility in Slovakia

The traditional forest education facility of Krásne Sady aims to raise awareness and connection with the natural environment in Slovakia through experiential learning.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022 Slovakia
    - Programming period: 2014-2022 Slovakia

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P6. Social inclusion and local development
    RDP Measure
    • M06: Farm & business development


    The project created a forest education facility in Slovakia’s Tatra Mountains to give children and members of the general public the opportunity to gain deeper knowledge about the forest, nature, flora and fauna through hands-on experience as a part of the teaching process. Activities offered by the forest education facility included forest walks led by experienced forest educators, natural science competitions, educational seminars, club activities, waste collection and cleaning up the forest environment, cooking courses and other activities. It emphasised the development of craft, creative and technical skills and working with natural materials as well as gardens for children to learn how to grow their own vegetables, herbs and fruits. Members of the general public were also the focus of engagement activities, including workshops drawing on seniors’ traditional knowledge to foster transfer of cultural heritage through recipes using local fruits and vegetables.


    • A new facility was constructed and delivered educational programmes to all age groups to promote sustainable development and increase awareness about the forest.
    • 55 children attended preschool and primary school during the last school year, expanding to 60 children in preschool and 25 children in primary school this school year.
    • Up to 14 jobs were created or safeguarded.
    • Three workshops were organised with around 80 attendees.
    • Summer camps last year hosted 114 children and 18 camps this year hosted 249 attendees.
    • New sociocultural educational activities and skills were created.
    • Rural income opportunities expanded from increased visitor numbers.
    • Workshop attendees were able to present their products and creations at markets.
    • Six wood and wood-fibre buildings with recyclable reed roofing were built and facilitate different functions: movement and dance, speech and music, visual arts, natural sciences, craft, and mathematics.

    Krásne Sady Mlynica – servisná a prevádzková, a.s


    Total budget 1 835 515 (EUR)
    EAFRD 745 634 (EUR)
    National/Regional 248 545 (EUR)
    Private 841 336 (EUR)


    English language


    (PDF – 1.12 MB)