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Giovani Dentro - Opportunities and challenges faced by youth in Inner Areas of Italy
Youth migration pressures and patterns better understood in Italian mountain areas thanks to CAP
- GAP-Implementierung

"BIZnet" - Learning entrepreneurship with the use of an online economic game
A CAP-funded knowledge transfer project to promote entrepreneurship skills to the youth of a LAG area in Poland.
- GAP-Implementierung

Agricultural education in the world of virtual reality
A pilot project to test how Virtual Reality (VR) can be used to improve the quality of agricultural vocational training in Hungary.
- GAP-Implementierung

The FarmPEAT Arts Competition: ‘Love Your Wellies’
An EIP AGRI Operational Group designed an arts competition to increase awareness among young people about the environmental impacts of intensively farming peat soils.
- GAP-Implementierung

Energy transition education and animation
Raising awareness about transitioning to renewable energy and enabling young people to learn about new environmentally friendly practices.
- GAP-Implementierung

‘Schule am Bauernhof’ (Farm School Austria): Meadow Orchards Mariazell
EAFRD funds contributed to the implementation of a nationwide programme that raises awareness among school children about sustainable food production.
- GAP-Implementierung

Ride Sharing Centre in Salzburg Lake District – Shared mobility at HAK Neumarkt school
A novel approach to promoting ridesharing through awareness-raising and product development actions involving school students.
- GAP-Implementierung

Na-Tür-lich Dorf - Nature conservation at the doorstep
Na-Tür-lich Dorf – Bottom-up creation of individual small-scale projects aims to conserve nature at the doorstep of villages throughout two LAG areas in Germany
- GAP-Implementierung

The most pessimistic town in Finland
An original territorial marketing initiative
- GAP-Implementierung
- Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI

Tartu County Youth Foundation
Fostering active and entrepreneurial youth in Tartu County
- GAP-Implementierung