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Renewable energy
ClimEEC - Climate Eco Expert Cluster
A restoration project of an old railway station became a model of energy-efficient renovation work and set the grounds for creating a eco cluster of specialised companies and technicians.
- GAP-Implementierung

Diversifying a farm into tourism and heating production using biomass from wood
A farm used RDP support to set up a micro district heating system to produce heating from wood biomass and at the same time expand its leisure and tourism facilities.
- GAP-Implementierung

BIOMASA – Purchasing equipment to increase wood chip and pellet production
Two RDP funded projects enabled a company specialised on biomass heating to grow by financing the purchase of mobile wood chipper and later on a pelleting system.
- GAP-Implementierung

Setting up an ultra-modern greenhouse that uses renewable energy for heating
Setting up a state-of-the-art greenhouse for hydroponic production of tomatoes using renewable energy sources for heating.
- GAP-Implementierung

VIRERE – Promoting renewable energy through diversified rural tourism
An innovative environmental training centre was established in Murcia, demonstrating the potentials of renewable energy based on diversified rural tourism.
- GAP-Implementierung

Promoting the use of solar energy in local communities
An innovative interterritorial cooperation project brought together Local Action Groups and other social partners to demonstrate and promote the use of solar energy by local communities.
- GAP-Implementierung

Producing vegetables in polytunnels using renewable energy
The cost for fossil fuels can be a significant constrain for the operation of a small farm. Reverting into renewable sources of energy such as biomass, can help increase the farm’s competitiveness while protecting the environment.
- GAP-Implementierung

Improving energy efficiency of communal buildings in a LAG area
A local action groups promoted energy efficiency upgrades in the towns of its area and in order to identify good practice examples it cooperated with partner local action groups in Scotland.
- GAP-Implementierung

Producing electricity from Renewable sources
A micro-enterprise received EAFRD support to purchase the equipment for producing renewable energy and achieve significantly reduced operational costs and level of energy autonomy.
- GAP-Implementierung

Setting up a biogas plant
EAFRD funding was used to install a biogas plant, covering the farms electricity needs and generating income from the sale of electricity to the national grid.
- GAP-Implementierung